Dalziel & Pascoe

SERIE • 12 Staffeln • Krimi, Thriller • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 1996


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Dalziel & Pascoe
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Warren Clarke, Colin Buchanan


1. Staffel 1 (3 Episoden)
Episode 1
The first episode see Dalziel picking up his once sociable roots - and returning to Wetherton Rugby Football Club where he is still a member. But his visit is not sparked off by a desire to down a few friendly pints in the bar. Connon the club's star player - he was tipped to play for England before an ankle injury wrecked his chances - has returned home from Saturday's match dazed and confused after a deliberate blow on the head in the confusion of a scrum. Still groggy, he goes to lie down leaving his wife Mary watching television. Some time later when he descends the stairs he finds her sitting in exactly the same position. There is just one difference - a neat, round and lethal hole in her skull. Has Connon killed his wife suspecting that she had ben unfaithful? Or could someone at the club have it in for the rugby star and his family?
Episode 2
Pascoe is back on familiar territory when he is called to Holm Coltram University, along with his straight-talking, mickey-taking boss, the formidable Detective Superintendent Andy Dalziel. But it is not the groves of academe that are calling to Dalziel, it is the lure of the unearthed body of a mystery middle-aged woman - buried underneath a statue commemorating the late head of the college. For Pascoe the discovery of the remains at the university gives him the chance to meet up once more with Ellie who is a lecturer there. The couple's relationship looks like it's ripe for renovation. The university campus becomes a temporary headquarters for Dalziel and Pascoe as they set up their office in the Principal's study. They soon learn that all is not as it seems at this seat of learning
Episode 3
The wedding bells ring out as Peter Pascoe finally walks down the aisle with Ellie. An Autumn Shroud sees the happy couple off on their honeymoon - leaving Detective Superintendent Andy Dalziel with no one to torment. The lure of Lincolnshire - the wedding location - appeals and Dalziel sets off a holiday of his own. But it seems he just can't get away from death and intrigue. A flooded road, a stranded car - and his only means of rescue turns out to be a funeral flotilla passing by! The deceased is one Conrad Fielding whose beautiful widow Bonnie offers Dalziel a port in the storm until his car is mended. But all is far from well at the Fielding's beautiful but debt-laden country home Lake House
2. Staffel 2 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
Detective drama series. Pascoe and Ellie (who is now pregnant) visit friends in Oxfordshire but are horrified when they discover the murdered bodies of their friend Rose and two of her guests.Meanwhile DS Dalziel is back in Yorkshire investigating a series of burglaries in which the thief leaves a bizarre calling card. He finds a link with Patrick Ryecart who is a flamboyant antiques trader.
Episode 2
A serial killer who murders young women who have just become engaged is at large, who after every death phones the local newspaper and quotes from Shakespeare's "Hamlet". Investigations centre around a fair, where the young relative of a psychic fortune teller who "saw" the death of Brenda Sorby is also murdered.
Episode 3
Dick Elgood, an old fiend of Dalziel's, unofficially reports two strange incidents which nearly kill him and asks Dalziel to investigate. The subsequent investigation by him and Pascoe exposes a chain of bizarre, accidental deaths stretching back nearly three decades but not a single shred of evidence to suggest foul play! Each of the, seemingly unconnected, deaths have somehow or other benefited Patrick Alderman even though it could not be proven that he had any connection to the deaths. The trail leads to Penny Highsmith, an old flame of Dalziel's, but goes cold when she is shown not to be involved. The case is eventually closed with the death, in mysterious circumstances, of Dick Elgood, the victim of yet another weird accident.
Episode 4
A car crash leaves Dalziel suspended from duty pending an investigation into drink-driving allegations. Pascoe probes the source of the claims against his boss, and exposes a web of conspiracy surrounding the violent death of an elderly Army veteran - all the while coping with being a dad of the Nineties and dealing with his senile father-in-law. Warren Clarke and Colin Buchanan star
3. Staffel 3 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
A dead miner is found when old mine workings are re-opened. He is found on the anniversary of his, and another childs death. The question is, did he kill the child or not? The case is brought to a head when a journalist rules out the other suspect on the front pages of a sunday newspaper, causing red faces for the detectives. As the story unravels itself Dalziel makes sure the truth comes to light
Episode 2
At the funeral of a thoroughly unpleasant woman, a mysterious older man appears and claims to be...her long-lost son! Needless to say, this complicates the matter of inheritance--and there's a fair amount of money at stake. Meanwhile, Sergeant Wield gets a phone call from a young man who knows a little too much about Wield's ""friend,"" Maurice Eaton. As it turns out, however, this mysterious (and possibly criminal?) young man has something to do with that family feud as well...
Episode 3
Andy Dalziel is sole witness to the murder of his neighbour but has a hard time finding the evidence to convict the man, Philip Swain, he is convinced is guilty.
Episode 4
Pascoe has his life thrown into turmoil when he discovers that his grandfather was shot as deserter during World War One, Dalziel manages to fall for the prime suspect in the case (an animal rights raid on a pharmaceutical company and the discovery of a skeleton in the grounds of the place) he is investigating.
4. Staffel 4 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
Memories of a case fifteen years before are revived for Dalziel when an eight year old girl is found murdered in a local beauty spot. Meanwhile Pascoe has other things to worry about when his daughter falls ill with meningitis.
Episode 2
A former nanny (Shirley Anne Field) is released after 35 years in jail, which prompts an investigation about her conviction. Dalziel attempts to clear his name.
Episode 3
A young clubber dies after being given poisoned drugs, trailing the culprit leads Andy and Peter into an alien world of raves. Meanwhile Dalziel has a shock in store for him when he meets the guardian of one of the chief suspects.
Episode 4
Dalziel gets a phone call from an old flame, Stella, who needs someone to talk too as her marriage is falling apart. She had a row with her husband, Frank and he believes she is unfaithful Dalziel goes round to the pub they own and gets confronted by the husband, who has a gun from his army days. He takes Dalziel and the other people in the pub hostage. Dalziel tries to keep everyone calm while Frank starts to crack under the stress.
5. Staffel 5 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
After suffering a gunshot wound at the end of the last season Dalziel returns to work and is quickly caught up in a serial killers death, he is amazed to learn that the main witness in the strange death is Abbie Hallingsworth - a woman who went missing as a young child 18 years before (Dalziel even put someone in prison for a murder). Dalziel also manages to get off on the wrong foot with new Assistant Chief Constable Rebecca Fenning.
Episode 2
Dalziel and Pascoe have to investigate the murder of a member of the Harlesdon Hunt - tensions are high anyway with the anti-hunting element causing problems but Dalziel is not convinced a hunt saboteur is to blame, WDC Shirley Novello goes undercover amongst the hunt to try and find out thier secrets.
Episode 3
Dalziel and old flame Florence have their romantic getaway in Whitby ruined when a body is washed up on the beach there, when he and Pascoe investigate it takes them to a university and a possible involvement with Cold War Spies.
Episode 4
6. Staffel 6 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
A promising young musician, who has just been awarded a scholarship to the Royal Academy, is discovered dead in a lake. The youngster has an unfortunate link to Andy Dalziel, a fact that causes him to be pulled from the case by ACC Belinda Kennedy. As they investigate the youngsters troubled life more secrets come out. Dalziel meanwhile picks up a lead on the case that links him to the youngsters family and solves another mystery.
Episode 2
A young Indian woman is murdered after a heated meeting of a racially divided community who are discussing the fate of the local youth centre. Andy and his team are pulled in as there are no resources available. DC Novello drives through a riot and has her car window smashed before Dalziel & Wield come to the rescue. Dalziel is not made to feel welcome by the local Super - she calls him a country bumpkin! With the help of a Indian PC they follow up on leads - and in this case everyone has hidden agendas.
Episode 3
An old flame of Dalziel's dies of cancer and someone murders the village lawyer. Together these 2 events open a can of worms. Peter Pascoe goes to visit his daugther in America, right into the path of a hurrican, aptly named Hurricane Andy. A letter addressed to Andy reveals that he is a father, something he had been unaware of for over 20yrs. Before he can deal with this his son is murdered. In the end everyone has a secret and Dalziel manages to turn over every rock to expose the truth
Episode 4
In the village of Thirksby the mine is being broken down to make way for a new hi tech factory. Protestors at the site storm the site and this leads to the uncovering of a skeleton, who has been there since the strikes of 84/85. The victim turns out to be a bent undercover cop, who was supposed to have run off with 250000 pounds meant for the strikers. Dalziels investigation opens a lot of wounds and awakens bad memories of the strike in both himself and the old miners. Peter Pascoe starts to doubt his superior as he researches Dalziels involvement 15 years ago. Dalziel sees his sister for the first time in 7 years but time has not improved their relationship. As the developer of the old mine is found murdered the secrets start to be revealed, opening some old wounds and causing some new ones.
7. Staffel 7 (6 Episoden)
Episode 1
Pascoe returns home for the grand country wedding of a school friend. Soldier Ian Henslowe is marrying Jill Lowry, favourite daughter of wealthy farmer Ted Lowry. The reception is disrupted by the discovery of a dead body in the Lowry's pig sheds. The victim is Ian's best friend, fellow soldier Martin Wilkie. Dalziel, who's just returned from a hospital check-up for his dodgy heart, arrives to investigate. Ian's devastated when Jill admits that she was having an affair with Wilkie. Dalziel and Pascoe visit Wilkie's regiment and his home, only to find that it has just been ransacked and set on fire by an intruder; Dalziel tells Pascoe he is too close to the suspects to stay on the case; instead he can remain at his parents' and hope to pick up gossip. Pascoe does not get on with his father, who has always resented his son's decision not to go into farming, especially after the recent hardships of the foot-and-mouth outbreak. Instead, Bill Pascoe has relied for help on Pascoe's cousin, T
Episode 2
Dalziel checks out of hospital after a heart attack and is at home, bored, when a murder takes place at a posh health spa. He checks himself in there to investigate. Soon another murder takes place - are the two related?
Episode 3
A paralyzed girl is miraculously healed after sitting under a tree in the woods near her home. Later the same tree yields the body of a young girl killed a long time ago. This leads Dalziel into a web of abuse by the Catholic Church, including the practice of splitting up families and making youngsters slave labour on church farms. In the village Dalziel bumps into his sister, who is trying to find her brother, that Dalziel knew nothing about. And she has news for him that breaks his heart.
Episode 4
Dalziel and Pascoe attend a retirement party for a senior colleague, Donald Fitzgerald. Dalziel's distinctly unhappy. He cannot forgive Fitzgerald for losing a recent court case against local villain and long standing adversary Danny Macer. He's even angrier when Macer turns up to celebrate, but anger turns to suspicion when Fitzgerald's found dead on a golf course the following morning. As the team examine Fitzgerald's soured personal life, including his affair with physiotherapist Rachel Waller, Dalziel goes after Macer. Pascoe tries to keep the investigation on course, but Dalziel's obsession soon leads him into confrontation with both Pascoe and his boss. ACC Stella Applegarth orders him back off duty on grounds of ill-health. Pascoe takes over, but soon finds evidence - a key leading to a bank vault and a suitcase full of money - which suggests that Dalziel's instincts about Fitzgerald may have been right. As Pascoe explores the implications, a second murder, that of Rachel Waller
Episode 5
Wetherton CID struggles to track down a serial killer with a penchant for words, as Messrs Dalziel and Pascoe take on their most puzzling and challenging case to date. The sublimely confident killer leaves a dialogue for the police to find after each murder. These chilling documents, carefully written and lovingly illustrated, describe each killing in detail and, at the same time, are strewn with tantalising hints and clues. To celebrate the opening of a refurbished library and a new Heritage Centre, a short story competition is attracting reams of entries, one of which is so graphic that it prompts the police to revise their initial views of a recent fatal accident. This is just the first dialogue: worse is to come as the cocky killer starts writing about and executing a series of murders, in front of the police. So begins a desperate game of cat and mouse between a sinister killer and an increasingly concerned and apprehensive Dalziel and Pascoe, for whom the murders are getting agon
Episode 6
Wetherton CID struggles to track down a serial killer with a penchant for words, as Messrs Dalziel and Pascoe take on their most puzzling and challenging case to date. The sublimely confident killer leaves a dialogue for the police to find after each murder. These chilling documents, carefully written and lovingly illustrated, describe each killing in detail and, at the same time, are strewn with tantalising hints and clues. To celebrate the opening of a refurbished library and a new Heritage Centre, a short story competition is attracting reams of entries, one of which is so graphic that it prompts the police to revise their initial views of a recent fatal accident. This is just the first dialogue: worse is to come as the cocky killer starts writing about and executing a series of murders, in front of the police. So begins a desperate game of cat and mouse between a sinister killer and an increasingly concerned and apprehensive Dalziel and Pascoe, for whom the murders are getting agon
8. Staffel 8 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
An American woman tracing her family appears in a graveyard. The only person she meets is the gravedigger. Next time she's seen she is found dead by a bunch of squaddies. Dalziel comes to investigate and bumps into another old flame, Jenny Ettrick. Later, one of the squaddies kills himself after being harassed by his sergeant As Dalziel starts investigating, they find that the victim may have drunk in the squaddies bar. Another squaddie turns up dead and while investigating that murder they find out that there might be a case of mistaken identity
Episode 2
Dalziel is investigating the disapperance of a teenage girl who was addicted to the Internet. He gets rough with the only suspect they have and gets booted off the case. Then a girl gets murdered at a holiday resort. Not any girl - a popular girl who won a TV reality contest. Then one of the holiday makers turns up dead as well. There are plenty of suspects but no real motive. Dalziel comes back onto the case. Another colleague is investigating a diamond heist. After Pascoe discovers a suspect from that case, by falling into a swimming pool, it looks like the cases could be linked
Episode 3
Dalziel's car breaks down on the moors and unsurprisingly Pascoe won't come fetch him in the middle of the night Dalziel walks to a nearby pub and stays the night. The next morning he discovers a body while taking a walk and suddenly a bigger case unfolds. The landlord's son was convicted of murdering his wife but her body was never found. He has escaped while in transit and is expected to arrive at the pub to see his son. Suddenly the wife's body turns up, and it's clear it has been stored somewhere for a number of years. Dalziel does some digging and discovers the real murderer is much closer to home.
Episode 4
What is the connection between an unidentifiable corpse found drowned in the canal with a two-year-old AK47 bullet lodged in his spine and the murder of a wealthy, successful businessman who has just returned from Russia with a new order and a new Russian bride-to-be? This is the mystery that Dalziel and Pascoe must solve if they are to discover the murderer before Dalziel is moved sideways into a desk job to make way for "new blood". The strange thing about the case is that nobody seems particularly upset about the death of the businessman. As they probe deeper into the case all sorts of jealousies, money problems and family conflicts are exposed. Also, the factory staff is trying desperately to conceal various wrongdoings from the police. Eventually, the murder weapon is discovered and a suspect confesses to the crime but is she the real murderer?
9. Staffel 9 (8 Episoden)
Episode 1
Pascoe is rushed to hospital with serious injuries following a car crash, and slips into a coma. Dalziel keeps a vigil at his bedside and realises just how much his partner means to him. Meanwhile, when a local fisherman reels in a gruesome catch – a human foot – and police divers discover other body parts amongst illegally dumped waste in a nearby lake, Dalziel finds himself at the centre of a potential murder enquiry. As the case unravels, Dalziel discovers an uneasy relationship between Wetherton's leading hospital physician, Dr McKenzie Mansfield, and neurology consultant Mr Alisdair Collinson, not to mention a snake pit of political wranglings with local business tycoon, and the main source of the hospital's funding, Barry Jemmerson. Dalziel finds himself torn between trying to cope with Pascoe's continuing deterioration and his duty as a policeman to throw himself into this very intricate and gruesome case.
Episode 2
Episode 3
When WPC 'Janet' Jackson is involved in a raid on a Chinese warehouse packed with illegal immigrants, she has no idea of the horror about to unfold. The day after the raid, an animal rights activist who had a grudge against the zoo is found dead in the zoo's tiger enclosure. It looks as though the tigers have mauled him but, when Dalziel and Pascoe arrive, they discover that the death is more suspicious. The victim is soon identified by his mother, Jenny Challoner, who appears unmoved by her son’s death. The zoo and hi-tech surgery – which deals with unusual veterinary cases from all over the world – lie in the grounds of a stately home, once the site of an infamous murder case. Its owner, Lord Tiger Harper, disappeared after the murder of Billy Huddlestone in the Seventies. He was never seen again but left the estate in Guy's care. However, as the mystery of what happened to Lord Harper and Robin Challoner unravels, the team discovers the appalling truth behind the façade of the zoo..
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
10. Staffel 10 (10 Episoden)
Episode 1
While investigating the death of a wealthy entrepreneur, Dalziel is reunited with old flame Kay Miclean, whose estranged husband was the victim. While all the evidence points towards the fact that he committed suicide, the victim's son and Pascoe believe that it could be murder. Dalziel believes otherwise until another death occurs.
Episode 2
Episode 3
Dalziel and Pascoe are going to Amsterdam for a police conference. On the night of their arrival it already goes wrong, when the men lose each other. The next morning Dalziel finds himself into a room, next to him a very dead girl. Dalziel soon turns out to be the prime suspect. Soon afterwards another murder is committed, this time a body has been found, floating in a channel. Pascoe is left to carry out his own investigation with the help of DC Lateef and WPC 'Posh' Spicer.
Episode 4
Episode 5
When a raid at a cash and transit depot in Wetherton results in the murder of one of the security guards, Dalziel and Pascoe are called in to investigate. The dead man is linked to a local restaurant and a close-knit group of friends led by the charming smooth-talker Steve Pitt. The group, who met at university, are as tight knit as a family. But when Steve is killed, the ties are unpicked to reveal the most dysfunctional, incestuous family in Wetherton. And there's more than one person with a motive to kill Steve.
Episode 6
Pascoe learns from the British Consul in Amsterdam that Tracey Baxter was a police witness who had been relocated under the witness protection program. He is also convinced a dead body found in the canal the day they arrived is that of a missing British national and that it is somehow connected to the case. While Andy goes after the killer, Pascoe learns that someone from within the police force is tampering with the evidence. They soon realize they are involved in a turf war having to do with smuggled blood diamonds from West Africa.
Episode 7
Wetherton's domestic bliss is rocked when housewife, Susan Goodman, is murdered while doing her weekly shopping. Lethal chemical, teltroxin, is the cause of death and Susan's demise is soon followed by that of Angela Veitch. As the two victims lives are put under the spotlight, a link between them and a health retreat called Arcadia is discovered. Dalziel and Pascoe head off to Arcadia, finding the slippery Brian Fairmile ruling the roost. When another guest at the retreat is killed, Dalziel and Pascoe discover more connections between the victims, large sums of money, and a mysterious Barbara Lennox. Could the person who sourced the lethal chemical be responsible for the deaths? Who exactly is Barbara? And when two people vanish, where have they gone and are they running in fear for their lives?
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
11. Staffel 11 (4 Episoden)
Episode 1
When a woman's mummified remains emerge from the water during a cave rescue operation, Dalziel and Pascoe embark upon a treacherous murder inquiry which rocks their world to its core.
Episode 2
Dalziel and Pascoe's investigation comes under increasing attack, despite their best efforts to search for clues. However, they battle harder than ever to uncover the truth about the mummified remains, which they believe are connected to the case of the Yorkshire chief constable's ex-wife, who vanished more than 20 years ago.
Episode 3
Episode 4
12. Staffel 12 (6 Episoden)
Episode 1
On Halloween, Kate Johnson is killed in her bedroom, the victim of a shotgun blast. Her husband Guy is the obvious suspect, having now disappeared. In an odd twist, the couple had been part of a television broadcast the previous Halloween where hypnotist Lee Knight demonstrated that people could be induced to do anything, including murder. The dead woman's daughter, Katherine Taylor, is convinced that the hypnotic suggestions of a year ago are what caused her father to kill her mother and that Knight is responsible. When she is found dead however, the case takes yet another turn. Meanwhile, Dalziel undergoes hypnotherapy to quit smoking.
Episode 2
As the body count continues to rise, Dalziel and Pascoe continue to focus their investigation on Lee Knight. Knight continues to maintain his innocence and says he's being set up by someone. The police uncover that most of the principals are involved in witchcraft of one sort or another. As the victims' bodies are being dismembered, they believe the killer is set to perform some type of ritual. Pascoe believes Knight is innocent and the true killer is someone who is well-known to Andy.
Episode 3
A sunburned Det. Supt Andy Dalziel returns from his holiday in Australia and finds himself immediately investigating a murder. The dead man is Declan Roach, a researcher at the local university who was found in a university laboratory clean room. The autopsy confirms that he died from nitrogen intoxication but it is not clear at first if it was accidental or not. Roach was working under the direction of Professor Fran Cunningham, who in turn has a major contract with Aphrodite, a major cosmetics firm. She is working on a formula for a rejuvenation cream that will be nothing less than a fountain of youth and there is obviously a great deal of money at stake. Andy meanwhile is thinking of packing it in and emigrating to Australia.
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

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