Samurai Jack

SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Animation, Abenteuer, Action, Sonstige, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Drama, Thriller • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2001


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Wer streamt "Samurai Jack"

Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.

Wo läuft "Samurai Jack"?

"Samurai Jack" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video, WOW, Sky Go.

Samurai Jack
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Phil LaMarr, Greg Baldwin, Tara Strong, Grey DeLisle, Tom Kenny


1. Staffel 1 (13 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Aku places a bounty on Jack's head, but is disappointed by the failure of some inept hunters, so he creates an evil spirit-clone version of Jack to finish our hero off for good.
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
2. Staffel 2 (13 Episoden)
Episode 1
Jack tries to save a peaceful tribe that move constantly due to an opposing food-stealing tribe of monkey/lions: Jack meets up with the Monkey Boy who can "jump good" almost to the point of flying. Jack is taken to his village and agrees to teach a group of furry creatures to fend for themselves in return for "jumping good" lessons. Jack teaches the creatures to use bamboo to fight and together they set up an array of traps for the monkey/lions. In return Jack has an challenging time trying to "jump good", a process involving climbing hills and vines... with boulders attached to his body.
Episode 2
Three short stories: 1) Jack confronts a two-headed riddling serpent who will grant him his wish if he can answer their questions. 2) Jack confronts a family that feed on metal, only for him and they to find out that they are robots. 3) Jack tries to rescue a wish-granting fairy from a gargoyle.
Episode 3
Jack is kidnapped and placed in a chain gang of warriors chosen to battle in the Dome of Doom, against the Smackback Ultimate Champions. Even without his sword, Jack defeats Gordo and the Aqualizer, and then must defeat the massive but ticklish Sumoto with the aid of his top knot. In desperation the Ringleader sends his remaining gladiators after Jack, who defeats them handily and forces the Ringleader to release the gladiator-slaves.
Episode 4
The Scotsman needs Jack's help to save his kidnapped wife. But this woman is hardly the distressed damsel the Scotsman makes her out to be.
Episode 5
Jack goes from destroyed village to destroyed village looking for the ultra-robots responsible for the destruction only to find that they were created by a troll commissioned by Aku.
Episode 6
After defeating a band of robotic cat-demons Jack travels the land and finds himself in the area where he grew up. As he tours the ruins he has flashbacks to a day spent pursuing a locust in the company of a young girl, witnessing a wandering warrior defeat four men on a bridge, having his parents greet him, and tricking three bullies.
Episode 7
After Aku's beetle drones destroy yet another gateway to the past, only moments before he's is able to reach it, Jack is overcome with frustration and is about ready to give up the quest. Then, by chance, he meets three monks about to climb the Mountain of Fatoom. Where, legend has it, truth can be found at the top.
Episode 8
Jack discovers a village of panicky medieval serfs, overwhelmed and unable to earn their livelihood because of a horrible stench coming from a nearby mountain. After getting some more information from a demented scissorsmith, Jack heads to "The Spire" to deal with the source of this stink: a fire-breathing dragon who needs Jack's help in dealing with some serious indigestion!
Episode 9
On an alien planet, Aku contacts four Emikandi hunters and offers them the chance to hunt Jack. They capture Jack with incredible ease but Jack just as easily frees himself after he hears they're working for Aku and the real hunt begins! After an extended chase the two sides battle atop a skyscraper and Jack falls to his death...but the hunters rescue him out of respect for their greatest prey. Then the Emikandi refuse to give him to Aku out of respect for Jack's skill and depart.
Episode 10
Aku has his most powerful minion, Demongo, find jack and capture his essence. Jack is no match for Demongo, because Demongo has the essence of thousands of great warriors, and can summon them from skulls to fight for him, and since essence cannot die, whenever Jack kills a warrior, Demongo can bring him back. Jack realizes he must free the essence from Demongo. Jack hitches a ride on a warrior's essence into Demongo's body, and sees all the warriors, each trapped in a circle of fire. Jack destroys the circles and frees the warriors, who then surround a powerless Demongo as Jack walks away. Later, Aku is holding Demongo, trapped in a giant skull. Demongo begs Aku for forgiveness.
Episode 11
After his clothes and sword were stolen by a white hare / British girl,Jack must figure a way to it back,while chased by some angry people who thinks he's naked
Episode 12
As jack climbs up to the top of a mountain he meets up with an army of great warriors and gets asked to help them in the last chapter of a 300 year battle.
Episode 13
Jack's enjoying a nice, quiet day by the riverside... until a band of transforming biker-bots nearly runs him down, wrecking his precious sandals in the process! The bots proceed to inflict some serious property damage in a nearby city, and Jack rushes off to stop them, and get some payback for the destruction of his sandals... but it seems he's having a bit of trouble doing that in his bare feet! The thugs find his display laughable, and drive off. Jack then encounters a shoe-store owner, who congratulates him for standing up to the biker-bots, and offers to supply him with a set of replacement footwear. Jack tries out all kinds of shoes and boots, but nothing seems to suit him, or be much of a help in defeating the biker-bots. Then he receives a little hospitality from a young Asiatic boy and his family... not to mention a new set of sandals from the boy's father! Jack then proceeds to track down the bikers and beat the tar out of them.
3. Staffel 3 (13 Episoden)
Episode 1
Jack bumps into an old wizard who transforms him into a chicken - a rather goofy-looking master of the martial arts that nobody can understand. He gets captured and taken to a animal fight where he must defeat a robot beetle and snake. Jack wins but must then fight a spider-like creature, a giant worm, and the ratlike mechanical "Finisher". Jack's series of wins make his new owner a wealthy man but when he goes out to buy some decent clothing he bumps into the same wizard who hits them both with a spell - causing Jack to become human and the owner to become a chicken. Jack departs with a new found appreciation for the virtues of not eating chicken.
Episode 2
In his travels Jack comes to a tavern and a crying tavern owner. Then shadowy figures attack but Jack discovers they are teenagers, the "Children of Aku", under a magical musical spell. Knocking one out and following them in disguise, jack finds their rave and a sinister DJ playing the music. The DJ spots Jack and a fight ensues. Jack takes the fight directly to the DJ who is his near-equal. When Jack gets the upper hand the DJ dons a speaker-battlesuit but Jack regains his lost sword at the last minute and triumphs, freeing the children.
Episode 3
While taking a trip on a Old West-style train, Jack is stalked by a bounty hunter, Ezekial Clench. He manages to defeat him but unwittingly falls prey to Ezekial's ex-wife Josephine.
Episode 4
Aku resolves to do something about The Samurai once and for all and lures him into a cemetery. Then the wizard unleashes hordes of the undead and one of the creatures manages to possess Jack's sword and deliver it to Aku. Armed with the sword and his own shape-shifting powers, Aku runs Jack ragged and then captures him and tries to kill him with the sword...which Jack finally remembers can't be used by the evil to harm the innocent. With the sword incapable of harming him, Jack regains his weapon and drives Aku away.
Episode 5
In the past during his training days in Egypt as a boy, the Samurai wandered into a temple and saw part of an ancient prophecy concerning Set. In the modern day, as he travels toward Egypt, Aku unearths three ancient Minions and tasks them to kill Jack in return for freeing them. The three creatures, armed with mystic weapons, prove more than a match for Jack but he remembers the prophecy. Unraveling a series of riddles, Jack assembles the three pieces and summons an ancient god to destroy the creatures.
Episode 6
To get to a time passage, Jack must pass a lake which sucks down any who try to cross it without touching its bottom. The locals summon an ancient creature who can walk upon the bottom but tall enough to stay above the water. It puts in a good word for two other creatures: a crawling creature that helps Jack pass a mountain and a flying creature that flies him to the portal. Jack must face its Guardian, a mighty warrior with an unlimited arsenal of weapons and incredible strength who says the only one who may pass is the one destined to use it. Ultimately Jack is defeated and the Guardian sends Jack back, as a mysterious warrior (apparently an older bearded version of Jack) within the time passage apparently tells the Guardian that Jack can't use it . . . yet.
Episode 7
Whilst crossing a desert to seek the Crystal of Cagliostoro, Jack comes across a oasis. He unwittingly disturbs an overly friendly creature, who begins following Jack, messing up Jack's every move along his quest. After the creature eats the Crystal, Jack spurns the creature who even more upset to discover in the morning that Jack has abandoned him. Jack meanwhile runs into some mean bots that are more than a match for him. On hearing Jack's cry of pain and seeing him unconscious, the creature becomes enraged and transforms into its vicious form to defeat the robots. Jack wakes up and is left to wonder what happened to the robots.
Episode 8
Jack finds a swamp where a foul-tempered hermit answers his call. The wizard tells Jack of the titan Chronos and his powers over space and time, now locked within three pieces of armor set with gems. Three trap-solving sequences follow - the helmet is hidden in a water trap, one gauntlet in a volcanic air trap, and the second gauntlet in a lens-dome. Jack manages to defeat all three traps and Aku uses the armor/gems to summon a time-space-monster to kill Jack. Jack realized that it had been a trap all along and took one of the gems, causing the creature to fall apart, and then goes after Aku. Jack manages to slice and dice his way through anything Aku throws at him with surprising ease - Aku flees as a triumphant Jack speaking of how the future/past holds his victory.
Episode 9
Jack travels through a beautifully animated swampland, when he comes across a small shadow crying in the distance. After approaching the being, it drops a small toy doll and Jack follows it back to a small house in hopes of giving the item back to the creature. Jack travels through the house, taking on the memory of a family, ravaged by some creature, with each specific items unlocking these horror filled dreams. Jack finally uncovers the owner of the doll, a little girl, and also discovers that all the windows or doors have disappeared. Later Jack awakens to see the little girl gone, only to find in a beautiful room with the family Jack sees in his visions. Although the family pretends nothing is amiss, eventually each lets out strange light from their mouths which forms into a large shadowy dragon beast that devours Jack, allowing him to see the family trapped inside.
Episode 10
Jack meets two Shaolin monks and after a brief fight he convinces them of his credentials and they take him to see their Grand Master at their hidden temple. The Master was at the temple when Jack studied there and remembers him. The Master directs Jack to a gateway that opens at noon and he and the two monks travel to the tower it is atop. Moving up the tower's catwalks they must fight a seemingly endless horde of stone statues. Jack gets to the portal but turns back to help the two monks rather then make his escape. The three of them escape the statues by destroying the tower and his time portal.
Episode 11
The gods Odin, Ra, and Rama battle a great dark evil. One shard escapes and falls to primitive Earth, creating a vast black forest. Down through the millennia it spreads and kills until the period of feudal Japan. An emperor and his army set out to fight the evil with the aid of a mystical elixir. His army is wiped out but the emperor fires an arrow covered with the elixir into the heart of the darkness, but only sets it free and gives it voice and face: Aku. Aku imprisons the Emperor and wipes out his lands.
Episode 12
The gods send the Emperor a mystical horse to free him and deliver him to a castle in the sky. The three gods give him powers and forge a mystic sword for him to wield. The Emperor goes forth to fight Aku. Aku is vulnerable to the sword but his shape shifting abilities prove the Emperor's equal, particularly when Aku takes on the form of an entire army. But the Emperor manages to prove seemingly triumphant and the Emperor's wife greets him with his newborn son. The Emperor resolves that in case Aku returns, he must formulate a plan.
Episode 13
Jack is directed to a deathtrap-filled labyrinth which holds a diamond that can restore him to his time. Unfortunately a master Thief also enters the labyrinth going for the item. The two of them prove equally adept in their own styles of bypassing the same traps through technology and training. The two men are forced to alternately join forces to defeat the guardian statue-robots and double-cross each other to make sure they end up with the gem. Jack helps the Thief escape who in return leaves him trapped - overwhelmed, Jack is on the verge of defeat when the Thief returns to pull him out. The two seem to come to terms...just as the diamond shatters and the Thief apparently disappears.
4. Staffel 4 (13 Episoden)
Episode 1
Aku sends forth the robotic ninja Shinobi, Warrior of the Dark, to kill the Samurai. Jack responds to the cries of a young boy from a village beset by robot lobsters. Jack defeats them all while Shinobi watches - then the ninja takes the boy to a nearby ruined tower where he strikes from the darkness at Jack as he follows. Jack knows of the ninja's technique and reveals that he is trained to blend with the light just as Shinobi can blend with the dark. The warriors of light and dark fight from shadow to light and back again - with the sun going down, Jack quickly runs out of concealment and in a last desperate measure reflects the waning light onto Shinobi and destroys him with a well-tossed sword.
Episode 2
Jack enters the abandoned city of Andromeda and finds himself under attack by a monstrous giant robot, the Mondo-Bot. Jack is initially defeated and rescued by local robots who believe he is the Chosen One. The city is built on a magical city of giants and Jack goes underwater to seek them out and finds a giant samurai robot which pulls Jack into it. Jack's bot is resistant to everything the Mondo-Bot shoots at it so the two engage in an enormous close combat battle and Jack proves triumphant.
Episode 3
While traveling through the rain, Jack takes refuge in an inn and meets Da Samurai, a hip-hop singer/fighter. His performance is interrupted by a new version of Aku's bounty hunters. Jack defeats them handily, much to Da Samurai's amazement. Da Samurai challenges him to battle and Jack eventually agrees. Jack requires him to first fight with sticks and Jack is clearly the superior warrior. Their fight is interrupted by the arrival of many more of Aku's hunters. Da Samurai is captured and Jack defeats the 100+ robots...but they assemble into one gigantic multi-headed robot. Da Samurai saves Jack by taking an energy blast, giving Jack time to defeat the robot and acknowledge Da Samurai has taken the first step on the path of a true warrior.
Episode 4
Jack is infected with a bit of Aku and the piece infects him with Aku, trying to take him over and drive him to evil.
Episode 5
Bounty hunters come together and vie among themselves to determine who will go first. Each hunter outlines his plan while another, armored hunter points out the flaws in each plan. The armored hunter is a woman, Princess Mira and she proposes they fight together, but she claim the bounty so that Aku will free her people.. The bounty hunters prepare their trap, digging pits to ambush Jack. But Jack defeats them all in the span of a second and even the princess yields before his superior ability.
Episode 6
While traveling the Scotsman finds Samurai Jack working as a waiter named Brent Worthington. The Scotsman rescues the amnesiac Jack from bounty hunters and realizes that Jack was injured by the tango beast. He follows the trail from the tango beast to a bar of bounty hunters to a sea captain to a chart that directs them to The Great Unknown. The Scotsman hires a ship to take them there.
Episode 7
The ship sails into the Great Unknown and encounters sirens who hypnotize everyone except the Scotsman who is conveniently immune thanks to his musical taste for Scottish music and his wife's singing. The entranced crew bring the ship to ground and give the sirens all their treasure as the Scotsman confronts the Sirens. They send the crews against him but use his bagpipes to snap them out of it. While the Sirens attack the defenseless Scotsman, Jack grabs his sword and kills the beasts. When the other ships leave without them and they have to have a series of contests to determine who will row the boat. Jack wins them all, including an epic thumb-wrestling battle.
Episode 8
A prince and princess flee invaders of their planet and go for help, but ended up stranded on Earth and captured by Aku's forces - only Jack can rescue them.
Episode 9
Tiring of the failure of his minions, Aku decides to engage Jack in one-on-one combat to settle matters between them once and for all.
Episode 10
Four separate stories following Jack through the four seasons: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. In Summer, Jack is traveling through the desert and is set upon by strange creatures formed of sandstorms. In Fall, a creepy little scientist attempts to make a poison to kill Jack. In Winter, a warrior race forge a mighty sword with which to slay Jack. In Spring, Jack finds rest in a mysterious garden paradise.
Episode 11
The first three-fourths of the story is a monologue: a Terminator-like killer robot with human emotions tells us the story of his life. He formerly worked for Aku, but stopped because of his emotions and because he felt in love with a little dog. But Aku kidnapped his dog and forces him to fight against Jack if he wants to see it again. He is tracking Jack and he is finally destroyed by the samurai His last words are for his puppy and Jack looks sadly at him. Then there is a close-up of his car and the last image of the episode is a photo of the dog.
Episode 12
This episode takes place during Jack's childhood. After Aku's first attack, Jack is brought to a tribe in Africa where he is admitted into the adult community after a small ritual and the chief of the village teaches him the art of fighting with a stick. But an enemy tribe attacks the village in order to get a reward promised by Aku for Jack's capture and everyone is captured except for Jack. So he follows them, mastering the captors' weapon, using qualities of the animals he has observed to do so. After a difficult series of fights, Jack releases all the prisoners and with their help, the enemy tribe is defeated. At the end, Jack leaves the tribe because he is now considered to have learned all he can from them.
Episode 13
While peacefully enjoying a snack of peaches, Jack hears a baby cry and races to find out what's the matter. He rescues Baby from a crew of hungry (baby-eating) monsters. The two then set off to find the baby's mother. Jack makes a great temporary parent, finding food, shelter, dealing with diapers. He tells Baby a bedtime story of Momotaro (Peach-boy, an archetypal Japanese folk-tale). When sick, Baby wants peaches; when they return to the peach orchard, the monsters find them again. After the final defeat of the monsters, Baby's mother is found. When she notices a surprising change in her child, Jack explains the baby has achieved sakai, the spirit of the samurai.
5. Staffel 5 (10 Episoden)
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 1
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 2
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 3
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 4
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 5
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 6
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 7
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 8
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 9
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Episode 10
Samrai Jack erzählt die Geschichte eines Samurais, der im Kampf gegen den Dämonen Aku versagt und von diesem in eine ferne Zukunft geschleudert wird, wo Aku über die Welt herrscht. Jack versucht, die Welt von der Tyrannei Akus zu befreien und auch wieder nach Hause in die Vergangenheit zu finden. Mit Hilfe seines magischen Schwertes ist der wortkarge Jack nun gezwungen, immer neue Handlanger von Aku zu besiegen um seinem Ziel immer nur schrittweise näher zu kommen. Samurai Jack glänzt durch eine sehr gut ausgearbeitete Story, die man nie aus den Augen verliert. Auch die Animationen sind hervorragend und nicht selten werden visuelle Effekte die an den Blockbuster „The Matrix“ und an Animes erinnern verwendet, was den Kampfszenen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre verleiht.
Extras (19 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19

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