News Radio

SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Romantik, Komödie • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1995


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Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Dave Foley, Maura Tierney, Stephen Root, Andy Dick, Vicki Lewis, Joe Rogan, Jon Lovitz


1. Staffel 1 (7 Episoden)
A midwesterner gets a job as news director at a New York radio station. He gets an odd reception when his boss wants him to fire his predecessor.
Der Versprecher
After sparks fly at dinner, Dave and Lisa try to hide their feelings from their co-workers.
Raucherzone gesucht
A new law bans smoking in the workplace, to Bill's dismay. Lisa thinks that Joe saw her and Dave at a movie.
Die Schreibtischkrise
Dave deals with his first challenge as news director when a subway train is derailed. Back in the office, Matthew's new desk causes friction among the staffers, whom all want new desks.
Der große Tag
Mr. James assigns Dave the task of doling out the annual bonuses. Each staffer gets the standard $400 bonus except for two, one of who receives a $3,000 'Big Bonus', the other gets 'The Shaft'. In the B-story, Bill complains to Dave about all the clutter that mysteriously finds its way to his desk.
Verführung in blau
Bill invites Beth on a lunch date which she accepts despite Lisa's fear that Bill will take advantage of her. The tables are turned when Beth sticks her tongue down Bill's throat. Dave tries to get to the bottom of WNYX's severely bloated financial problems.
Eine verhängnisvolle Ex-Affäre
Dave's old girlfriend Nancy visits, still under the impression that she and Dave are an item. Meanwhile, Jimmy insists Bill interview a 'financial visionary'
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Nackte Tatsachen
Beth takes erotic photographs or herself to energize her relationship with her boyfriend. Joe booby traps the refrigerator when someone continually steals his daily gelato.
Jimmy gives Beth and Matthew a new product, a 'goofy ball', to test. Lisa decides it's time to tell Mr. James about her fling with Dave. Bill buys a stun gun from Joe when he fears he's being stalked.
Requiem für ein Nagetier
The staff is overly sentimental when Dave catches 'Mike', the office rat.
Die Turteltauben
Dave and Lisa have a fight after Dave calls her the 'b-word'. Beth manipulates the two into 'coming out' in front of the whole staff. Catherine finds out Bill's real first name.
Der Seelenklempner
Jimmy brings in a psychiatrist when the staff is stressed out.
Beth and her copycat friend fight for Matthew. Bill is plagued by security guards who refuse to let him enter the building without his ID.
Bill is approached with a book deal to write his autobiography.
Eine Sache der Verhandlung
Dave gives Matthew a in-name-only promotion to coordinating producer. Lisa looks for a temporary job as an MTV news anchor. Jimmy announces he's getting married and asks for help finding a wife.
Was sich liebt, das neckt sich
Bill's new cane, which he carries for no particular reason, annoys Dave. After it's stolen, Dave is the target of Bill's wrath. Jimmy's all-night office brainstorms stokes Dave and Lisa's competitive fires. Matthew and Joe get on each other's nerves.
Ein Weihnachtsmärchen
Matthew is upset when he realizes Mr. James gave everyone except him a new convertible for Christmas. Meanwhile Bill is stalked by a homicidal Santa Claus.
Sender zu verkaufen
Jimmy negotiates with a media conglomerate to sell the station so he can meet with their attractive representative. Matthew handcuffs himself to a chair to protest a sale, while the rest of the staff schemes up ways to keep their jobs.
Dave accidentally overhears the entire staff mocking and insulting him. Jimmy tries to lift Dave's spirits.
Die Wette gilt
Dave introduces Bill at a Broadcasting Society event after taking speaking lessons from Bill. Matthew learns about gambling from Joe, falling $20,000 into debt.
April, April
Mr. James disrupts the office with his early April Fools' Day practical jokes. Bill is interviewed by a Wall Street Journal reporter. Lisa and Matthew compete for the right to cover the New Hampshire primary.
Die Notlüge
Bill enlists Joe and Matthew's support to try to convince his girlfriend that he's British. Beth tries to sell 'Fat Albert'-style hats to a department store. Lisa uses Mr. James negotiating tips to ask Dave for a raise.
Fingertricks und Liebeszauber
Joe does an admirable job filling in for an ill Catherine, much to Bill's dismay. Beth dates Mr. James' nephew who is a depressed motivational speaker, in a form of a magician.
Begnadete Körper
Dave is jealous when Lisa constantly talks to her ex-boyfriend. Joe is the facilitator in a practical joke war between Catherine & Bill.
Nur kein Streit
Dave and Lisa announce they're breaking up. Lisa insists any further communication be done in memorandum format. Dave tries to keep his 24-page memo private. Mr. James continues his wife search.
Der große Bluff
Jimmy loses Bill in a poker game. Lisa competes in Jimmy's place to win him back. Joe uses a hidden camera inside a Boba Fett action figure to keep up with the action.
Viele Köche verderben den Text
Dave, Bill and Mr. James work on a promotional spot. Lisa helps Joe study for a test. Matthew tries to sign up people for a summer house in the Hamptons.
Nur kein Streit II
A fire in the building sets everyone's nerves on edge. Bill tries to escape. Dave and Lisa get back together. Mr. James continues his wife search.
Episode 22
When uninsured Matthew is injured goofing off at work, Dave and Lisa try to pass it off as a workplace accident so that workers' compensation will pay for the hospital costs. Bill objects to a fellow newscaster's use of the word "penis" on the air by giving a series of on-air editorials in which he uses the word a number of times himself. Guest stars Bob Odenkirk as Dr. Smith. Norm Macdonald returns as Roger, Mr. James' lawyer. Note: This episode was intended to appear in season 2. It was delayed because the script called for Bill (Phil Hartman) to repeatedly use the word "penis" (some of which were ultimately edited out). Because of this, the episode is intentionally featured on both the First (Seasons 1 & 2) and Second (Season 3) NewsRadio DVD boxsets.
3. Staffel 3 (25 Episoden)
Der Kandidat
Mr. James decides to run for President of the United States while Lisa declares to expose all of his secrets. Matthew grows a 70's style moustache to ""get chicks"".
Dilbert und die Arbeitstiere
A new coffee shop is opened on the first floor of the Criterion Building. Matthew becomes obsessed with Scott Adams' Dilbert cartoon.
Der Massagesessel
Bill leads a revolution when Mr. James eliminates free snacks in the break room. Joe gives Catherine a variety of electronic gadgets to ingratiate himself with her. Bill buys a massage chair.
Der Sandwichautomat
Dave worries that the past will repeat itself when an arcade game, Stargate Defender, is installed in the hallway. Lisa and Dave take the SATs to prove they're not getting dumber. Bill is obsessed with the stale, plastic, leathery sandwiches from a vending machine.
Die Halloween-Party
Mr. James requests that the reticent staffers wear costumes to his Halloween party. Lisa convinces everyone to dress up by promising that Dave will wear the most outlandish costume ever. A psychic tells Bill the exact date of his death..36 years in the future.
Der Preisträger
Dave believes WNYX will overcome its jinx and finally win the local broadcasting awards. Matthew believes the office is infested with ants.
Daydreams plague staffers on an unbelievably hot day. Among others, Beth fantasizes that she's being stalked by Matthew, who's taking on horror movie guises; and Joe dreams he turned each of the staffers into androids.
Ein Star auf Besuch
James Caan visits WNYX to study Bill and prepare for an upcoming film role, but gets distracted and ultimately enthralled by a nervous Matthew. Dave decides to buy a television for Lisa, revealing his passion for Green Acres. Jimmy takes Beth and Catherine to a Knicks game.
Matthew returns from a Japanese vacation bearing gifts, including a katana for Dave. Mr. James teaches Beth the intricacies of the stock market.
Fröhliche Weihnachten
With everyone anxious to leave work and head off on holidays, Dave finds himself doing everybody's job and delaying his trip to visit his parents with Lisa. Also Bill recruits Beth for a radio ad only to discover the director wants her and not him.
Daves dunkles Geheimnis
All of WNYX is up in arms when they discover Dave is actually a Canadian, not a mid-westerner. Bill joins a health club. Dave tries to teach Jimmy table manners for his upcoming dinner with the president.
Die niedliche Lisa
Bill is outraged when he discovers that rap music has lyrics...offensive lyrics; Lisa is voted 'Cutest Reporter in New York' and attends a photo shoot with Catherine and Beth.
Der König des Büros
Matthew, in his own mind, becomes the 'King of the Office' when he loses his temper and punches Bill. Matthew's reign of terror, including ordering various staffers to fetch his lunch, alienates the entire office. Meanwhile, Jimmy tries to best a Three Card Monte dealer at his own game.
Der Meckerkasten
A newly installed complaint box makes Dave's life miserable. Mr. James goes fishing, but thanks to Joe's invention, the Garelli 5000, stays in contact with the office via satellite hookup.
Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt
WNYX staffers evaluate their co-workers, leading to problems based on Matthew's belief that Bill is a God. Jimmy buys fake movie memorabilia, unaware that the sled from Citizen Kane was named 'Rosebud' not 'Rose Bowl'. Joe represents Jimmy in a lawsuit against the man who sold the items.
Verbotene Hefte
Jimmy implements a program allowing kids into the station to learn about radio, but ditches the students to hit on their teacher. Dave searches for a stash of dirty magazines.
Wer ist denn nun der Boß?
With Bill and Dave stuck in a St. Louis airport, Lisa takes command of the office. Her first task: stop Joe and Catherine from going to a movie. Beth and Matthew go to Bill's 'pleasure palace' of an apartment to water his plants. Back in St. Louis, Dave teaches Bill that being polite has its rewards.
Matthew's 'identical' twin brother visits. Most of WNYX's furniture is repossessed when the budget is drastically slashed to accommodate a staffer's secret raise.
Joe engages in office warfare with the new noisy environmentalists upstairs. Catherine takes offense at Bill's newest sponsor, Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor. Lisa covers a White House Easter Egg hunt.
Urlaub vom Alltag
Bill is committed to an asylum when he's judged mentally incompetent. Lisa is forced to do the 'McNeal Perspective' with Joe in Bill's absence.
Die Herzattacke
Jimmy suffers a heart attack. His lawyer insists Jimmy stay in the break room while recovering from his coma. Lisa realizes she hasn't completed all her goals in life, and decides to have a baby.
Die Jungfrau
When Bill and producer Lisa's new show 'The Real Deal' is on the verge of cancellation, they do everything in their power to recruit Jerry Seinfeld to appear. Matthew reveals that he's never gone 'all the way' before.
Das Interview
Matthew is no longer the weirdest person in the office, when a strange temp comes in. Dave is featured in a national magazine where he inexplicably insults each staff member...and reveals his passion for tap dancing.
Kosmische Nachrichten
NewsRadio in Outer Space. The year is 2228, humankind is nearly extinct and those who remain are constantly on the run from killer robots. Matthew dates an android. Dave and Lisa discuss moving in together after 93 years dating. Joe, after living in suspended animation for 83 years, tries to fix the life support system.
Ein Fall für die Versicherung
Matthew faces a large medical bill when he's injured while goofing off around the office. A sympathetic Dave claims it was a work related mishap, earning Matthew Workman's comp. Mr. James and his lawyer, Roger, search for the truth. Meanwhile, Bill takes offense at a rival stations' use of the word 'penis' and air several McNeal reports using the same word.
4. Staffel 4 (22 Episoden)
Der Lebensretter
Bill tries to get an exclusive on-air story when a suicidal man is perched outside Dave's window.
Einer muss dran glauben
Jimmy hires Andrea, an efficiency expert, when the station needs to cut funds. The staffers rally around an inept Matthew to try to preserve his job. Bill auditions for a television job.
Der Störenfried
Dave tries to get Matthew rehired amidst chaos. Andrea hires a man to share Dave's Job, Jimmy brings a camera crew into the office to film a documentary, and Bill prepares for a new career as a singing political satirist a la Mark Russell.
Andrea forces the staff to take lie detector tests. Lisa fears she will not pass the test due to her extensive criminal past. Jimmy has his book, which failed in the U.S., translated into Japanese then back into English.
Die verlassene Frau
Dave and Lisa breakup. Bill gets himself into trouble when he advocates the beating of foreign diplomats. Matthew opens his own dentistry practice.
Der Fall Clinton
Dave hatches a scheme of 'pure evil' to get his job as news director back, including approving Bill's obscenity laced imaginary conversations with the president. Lisa tries hard to do a good job as news director. Matthew lives in the office.
Abschied von Catherine
Each staffer offers up a very different version of events of the day Catherine announces she's leaving WNYX. Joe realizes that Catherine's always yearned for him.
Matthews letzte Chance
Dave unveils a previously hidden talent to compete in a charity talent show. If a WNYX staff member wins, Mr. James will re-hire Matthew in this incredibly hilarious episode.
Ein Butler für Bill
Bill hire's a gentleman's gentleman, Cadbury, to oversee his life. Mr. James teaches Lisa 'The Secret of Management'. Matthew feels left out when Bill doesn't congratulate him on being rehired.
Kuck mal, wer da spricht
Bill announces plans to adopt a child. Beth and Joe attend a charity bachelor auction, with Beth impersonating a duchess and Joe playing her homosexual bachelor friend, to bid on Mr. James.
Der Sack voller Noten
Dave finds it hard to say no when his old college a cappella singing group 'Chock Full o' Notes' reunites for Dave's 32nd birthday, hoping to take the pop charts by storm. Meanwhile, Lisa tries to motivate Matthew without reducing him to tears. Joe has a beef with one of Dave's friends.
Die Führungskrise (1)
After Bill pesters Lisa once again, Dave and Lisa hatch an evil plan to make Bill the boss to teach him a lesson. Bill's reign is eerily efficient. Joe goes on a sympathy strike to support another of Mr. James companies.
Die Führungskrise (2)
Mr. James announces an election for station manager, which neither Dave nor Lisa want to win. Joe's dysfunctional brothers visit the station to plan a surprise party for their parents. Matthew runs for floor fire marshal.
Die Zwischentür
Dave struggles vainly to get the staffers to properly use the recently installed security door. Bill enlists Lisa to do the negotiating when he's offered a job in a blue jean's commercial.
Sex mit dem Ex
Matthew is assigned a Big Brother, who makes eyes at Beth; Joe, Jimmy, and Bill try to uncover Lisa's love life.
Der Luxusschlitten
Mr. James gives Matthew a small toy car. Mr. James urges Dave and Lisa to get back together when a secret study reveals they're more productive when they're a couple.
In 60 Tagen um die Welt
Jimmy plans to go around the world in a hot air balloon, until Dave finds that he is full of ""hot air"". Meanwhile, Bill switches from cigarettes to chewing tobacco.
Ein tödlicher Betriebsunfall
The office mourns the loss of Ted, from accounting, until Dave realizes that nobody knew him, at all.
Duell der Platzhirsche
Matthew takes Lisa on a date. The office has trouble adapting to a new intern, Mr. James' nephew, Walt.
Nur einer kommt durch
Joe fights Matthew in a no-holds-barred match at Mr. James' men's club smoker. Bill is extremely worried that Walt will ask Lisa on a date. We learn Dave's technique for getting rid of an unwanted visitor; act insane.
Komiker haben’s schwer
Lisa is treated like a male by office co-workers, who revert to their boorish selves when all other females are out sick.
Das sinkende Schiff
The episode spoofs the movie Titanic, where Walt and Dave sketch Lisa nude and give her heart shaped necklaces. Soon, though, the ship starts to sink...
5. Staffel 5 (22 Episoden)
Aussteiger der anderen Art
The news crew copes with the loss of their good friend, Bill, after he dies of a heart attack.
Das Nervenbündel
Jon Lovitz joins the cast as Max Louis, hired because of a connection to Bill. The idea of ""Y2K"" wreaks havoc at the office.
Ein Käfig voller Narren
It comes out that Max doctored his resume; Lisa goes undercover at a restaurant.
Dave learns he has high blood pressure, causing Joe to install a sound machine. Matthew becomes motherly toward Max, after a conversation with Beth.
Der Zaubertrank
Joe creates a ""smart drink"", with extreme results; Lisa becomes Max's confidante.
Wer ist D.B. Cooper?
After a case of mistaken identity, Jimmy is sent to jail. His vice president, Johnny, takes over.
Auf der Flucht
Lisa admits her attraction to Johnny; Dave must exploit their relationship to protect Jimmy.
Kampf der Titanen
Jimmy is freed from prison, to realize that Johnny has stolen his empire.
Der Sprachfehler
Dave tries to tape a message for students at his alma matter; Lisa tries to cure her speech impediment.
Beth wants to start profit-sharing; Matthew thinks of abuse after undergoing hypnosis.
Künstlerische Freiheit
Dave fights to hang Joe and Beth's strange painting in the lobby; Matthew starts dressing like Lisa.
Die Traumwohnung
Dave and Lisa fight for an apartment, which Max decides he wants; Joe and Beth ""fix-up"" the show's website.
Matthew's 30th birthday causes him to adopt the persona of an 18 year old. Lisa protests Jimmy's plan to build a 200 story skyscraper.
Dr. Joe im Einsatz
Jimmy's fear of hippies causes him to blow a big deal; Max and Beth spoil Lisa's dog.
Romanze in Moll
Lisa's new assistant turns Joe and Dave into rivals; Max complains about the lack of sofa in the men's room.
Der Duft des Mannes
The formerly evil Johnny Johnson returns to the station, now a homeless wino, to claim Lisa's hand in marriage. Lisa finds it hard to resist Johnny... despite his noxious odor.
Die Hochzeit
Lisa gets married to Johnny, despite Dave's attempt to talk her out of it.
Die Kündigung
Max pretends to quit to hopefully get Beth to beg him to stay. When the ploy fails, Dave has to swallow his pride to get Max back. Lisa's new hyphenated last name, Miller-Johnson, irks both Joe and Matthew.
Der Pfad der Erleuchtung
Dave vents aggression on the staff, threatening to fire someone. Matthew wears a padded suit to learn Joe's karate-like martial art, Joe-jitsu. Mr. James leads a crusade against Mother's Day.
Unter falschem Namen
Jimmy and Matthew switch places for a day, with life altering results. Dave bans max from the breakroom.
Ab in den Ruhestand
Mr. James announces that he's selling the station and retiring to New Hampshire. Dave believes it's a ploy. Lisa organizes a retirement party to convince Mr. James to stay.
Ausgerechnet Matthew
Jimmy returns to finalize the sale of the station and tries to persuade one staff member to relocate to New Hampshire with him.