Log Horizon

SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Animation, Romantik, Fantasy, Action, Komödie, Science-Fiction • Japan • 2013


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Wer streamt "Log Horizon"

Es ist schon einige Jahre her, dass er sich bei Elder Tale registriert hat. Doch als sich Shiroe endlich wieder dazu durchringen kann, sich anzumelden, muss er mit Schrecken feststellen, dass sich nicht nur sein Spiegelbild zu einem Halb-Alv verwandelt hat: Für ein Online RPG fühlt es sich alles viel zu real an. Zu allem Überfluss kann er sich auch nicht mehr ausloggen. Zusammen mit seinem alten Freund Naotsugu, ein Ritter, und Akatsuki, einer Assassinin, die er noch aus seiner aktiven Zockerzeit kennt, macht sich Shiroe auf die Suche nach jemanden, der dieses Problem lösen kann...

Wo läuft "Log Horizon"?

"Log Horizon" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Takuma Terashima, Tomoaki Maeno, Emiri Kato, Jouji Nakata, Daiki Yamashita, Nao Tamura, Eriko Matsui


1. Staffel 1 (25 Episoden)
Es ist schon einige Jahre her, dass er sich bei Elder Tale registriert hat. Doch als sich Shiroe endlich wieder dazu durchringen kann, sich anzumelden, muss er mit Schrecken feststellen, dass sich nicht nur sein Spiegelbild zu einem Halb-Alv verwandelt hat: Für ein Online RPG fühlt es sich alles viel zu real an. Zu allem Überfluss kann er sich auch nicht mehr ausloggen. Zusammen mit seinem alten Freund Naotsugu, ein Ritter, und Akatsuki, einer Assassinin, die er noch aus seiner aktiven Zockerzeit kennt, macht sich Shiroe auf die Suche nach jemanden, der dieses Problem lösen kann...
Die Apokalypse
Aus dem Nichts befindet sich Shiroe in der Stadt Akihabara im Spiel "Elder Tale". Dreißigtausend japanische Spieler wurden in das Spiel gesperrt! Die Welt auf der anderen Seite des Bildschirms wird Realität und inmitten des Chaos findet Shiroe seinen alten Freund Naotsugu. Und während sie sich entspannen, um sich zu finden, treffen sie den mächtigen Attentäter "Akatsuki". Akatsuki hat eine Anfrage an Shiroe ...
Der Kampf der Loka
Die Apokalypse hat dreißigtausend Spieler in das Spiel gesperrt, und niemand weiß, was zu tun ist. Die größeren Gilden übernehmen Akihabara und außerhalb der Stadt töten gewalttätige Gruppen andere Spieler. Ein junges weibliches Mitglied der "Crescent Moon Alliance" von Marielle ist in Susukino weit im Norden gefangen und braucht ihre Hilfe. Shiroe ist etwas verlegen, trifft aber eine Entscheidung.
Die Tiefen von Palm
Serara, ein junges weibliches Mitglied der Gilde "Crescent Moon Alliance", wird von mysteriösen Männern in der nördlichen Stadt Susukino gefangen und braucht Hilfe. Shiroe und seine Freunde reisen, um sie zu erreichen. Verärgert über das geschmacklose Essen des Spiels reisen sie nach Norden und betreten "die Tiefen von Palm", eine bröckelnde Reihe alter Bergbautunnel. Dort treffen sie gruselige Monster...
Shiroe, Naotsugu und Akatsuki erreichen die nördliche Stadt Susukino und treffen Serara sicher. Mit Hilfe des mysteriösen Swashbucklers Nyanta planen sie, Susukino zu verlassen. Aber die böse Gilde Brigantia will sie aufhalten. Der hochrangige Mönch Demikas greift sie an. Können sie die Chancen überwinden?
Zurück nach Akihabara
Shiroe und seine Gruppe bringen Serara nach Süden. Unterwegs halten sie am Haus eines der "Leute des Landes". Die Menschen im Land waren ursprünglich nur Charaktere im Spiel, ohne eigene Persönlichkeiten oder einzigartige Eigenschaften, aber als Naotsugu mit ihnen spricht, scheint etwas seltsam ... Die Partei erkennt allmählich, dass die Welt nicht dieselbe ist wie sie war, als es ein Spiel war.
Shiroe kehrt nach Akihaba zurück und Marielle erzählt ihm, wie die Stadt ist. Das anfängliche Chaos hat nachgelassen, aber die größeren Gilden haben die Kontrolle und böse Gilden betrügen neue Spieler und nutzen sie aus. Shiroe ist eine Zutat davon und erzählt Naotsugu, Akatsuki und Nyanta von seinem Plan. Und dann sagt er der Crescent Moon Alliance, dass er die Stadt Akihabara aufräumen wird.
Crescent Burger
Nyanta erzählte Shiroe das Geheimnis der Herstellung von echtem Essen in dieser Welt. Mit Marielle's Hilfe beginnt die Crescent Moon Alliance einen Fast-Food-Stand und ihr "Crescent Burger" ist bei Spielern sehr beliebt, die es satt haben, geschmackloses Essen zu essen. Aber Shiroes eigentliches Ziel ist es nicht, Hamburger zu verkaufen, und mit Henrietta beginnt er, an der nächsten Phase seines Plans zu arbeiten.
Verbrecher mit Brille
Nach dem Erfolg ihres Crescent Burgers treffen sich Marielle und Henrietta mit den Mitgliedern der wichtigsten Handwerksgilden von Elder Tale: Karashin von der Shopping Street 8, Michikata von der Marine Agency und Roderic von der Roderic Merchant Association. Sie benutzen Shiroes Plan, um das Geheimrezept des Crescent Burger vor sich zu baumeln, und der talentierte Bericht Henrietta eröffnet Verhandlungen. Was sie will ist ...
Konferenz der Tafelrunde
Um die Stadt Akihabara sicher zu machen, ruft Shiroe alle großen Gildenmeister zum Gildengebäude. Sein Ziel ist es, eine Round Table-Konferenz zu schaffen, die die Stadt regieren wird. Aber jeder dort will etwas anderes und sein Plan wird bald schlecht. Welchen erstaunlichen Trick hat Shiroe? Währenddessen wird hinter den Kulissen der Konferenz der Plan fortgesetzt, die jüngeren Spieler aus der bösen Gilde Hameln zu befreien. Der ruhige Kampf des Strategen SHiroe in Akihabara geht weiter!
Ergreife es mit deinen Händen
Shiroe konfrontiert die 10 Gildenmeister, die Akihabara vertreten, mit der Notwendigkeit, die Stadt wiederzubeleben und Frieden und Ordnung zu bringen. Seine ruhige und kraftvolle Art bringt sie herüber und die Regierung von Akihabara, der "Runde Tisch", wird gegründet. Nachdem diese Arbeit erledigt ist, zieht seine Gilde "Log Horizon" freudig an ihren neuen Standort. In dieser Nacht repariert Nyanta ihnen sein spezielles Curry.
Einladung von Eastal
Die Freien Städte von Eastel sind die ersten, die die Gründung des Runden Tisches bemerken. Sie schicken einen Boten nach Akihabara und laden Shiroe und Crusty zu ihrer Konferenz ein. Was planen die Adligen in ihrem eisbedeckten Palast? Währenddessen machen Minori und Touya und die anderen neuen Spieler einen Campingausflug am Strand, um das Kämpfen zu lernen. Marielle vergisst ihre Rolle als Anführerin (?) Und genießt den Salzluft-Spaß.
Der Lagrandawald
Die jungen Spieler bereisen die Xantleaf-Halbinsel im Camp. Minori, Touya und Serara treffen auf die neuen Spieler Isuzu, den Barden, und Rundel Haus, den Zauberer. Sie begeben sich in den Kerker "La Granda Forest", wo Skelette auf sie warten. Die leicht zu erschreckende Serara, die willensstarke Touya und das stolze Rundelhaus ... werden die fünf in ihrem ersten Parteikampf zusammenarbeiten können?
Schild und Freiheit
Shiroe, Crusty und Michitaka werden von den Freien Städten von Eastel in den Palast eingeladen. Die Adligen des Landes laden die drei zu verschiedenen Treffen ein und scheinen zu versuchen, mehr über Akihabara und den Runden Tisch herauszufinden. Crusty ist von der Tochter von Duke Cowen angezogen, die edel und schön ist, aber irgendwie faul wirkt...
World Fraction
Shiroe und Akatsuki werden in den Raum des mysteriösen Magiers Reagan eingeladen. Shiroe ist schockiert über die Enthüllungen, die er über die Welt von Elder Tale anbietet.
Touya und Minori und der Rest der Spieler im Trainingslager schlagen mit ihrer Art zu kämpfen gegen eine Wand. Und Minoris Vorschlag ist, dass sie sich einander vorstellen!
Rückkehr des Goblinkönigs
Gerade als der Sahaugin-Angriff auf der Halbinsel Zantleaf beginnt, dringen die Goblins weiter ins Landesinnere vor. Werden sie Laynessias Heimat, Maihama oder Akihabari angreifen?
Eine faule und eine feige Prinzessin
Die Herren der Freien Städte von Eastal beginnen eine Notfallkonferenz, um die Invasion der Kobolde zu besprechen. Die Beschützer der Landleute, die Izumo-Ritter, werden vermisst und müssen sich auf die Abenteurer verlassen.
Prinzessin Laynessia Cowen schwört, selbst in die Stadt Akihabara zu gehen und die Abenteurer um Hilfe gegen die Kobolde zu bitten. Die Mitglieder der Crescent Moon Alliance können ihre Aufregung nicht verbergen, eine echte Prinzessin zu treffen.
Ihnen nachjagen
Zantleaf wird von Monstern aus Land und Meer angegriffen, während die Abenteurer es weiterhin verteidigen. Im Landesinneren startet Crustys Armee einen Überfall auf die Hauptstreitkräfte des Goblins. In der Stadt Choushi am Meer kämpfen auch die neuen Spieler.
Rundelhaus versteckte sich vor seinen Freunden, dass er einer der Landleute war, aber der Preis für die Bekämpfung der schrecklichen Wölfe war, dass er eine tödliche Wunde erlitt. Wenn sie ihn nicht retten können, wird er sterben und nicht wiederbeleben.
Wir beide sollten Walzer tanzen
Im Palast des Ewigen Eises findet eine Siegesfeier statt, um die Niederlage des Abenteurers gegen die Monster zu feiern. Crusty nimmt die Hand der Prinzessin und führt sie in einen Tanz, der die Versöhnung zwischen Abenteurern und Landleuten bedeutet.
Schwalbe und junger Stern
Der Herbst ist nach Akihabara gekommen. Nachdem Shiroe die Monster besiegt hat, kämpft sie gegen Papierkram, aber die Stadt ist voller Freude, als das erste Ereignis, das die Abenteurer jemals hatten, das "Scales Festival", näher rückt.
Schülerin des Magiers
Der zweite Tag des Scales Festivals in Akihabara kommt. Akatsuki ist Shiroe näher gekommen und ist daher den ganzen Tag sehr glücklich und scheint sogar ihre Kämpfe mit Naotsugu zu genießen. Währenddessen ist Minori unsicher, wie sie mit ihren Gefühlen gegenüber ihm umgehen soll, und geht zu Karashin. Karashin ist mit Papierkram überladen und beschließt zu helfen. Es scheint, als wären viele Landhändler nach Akihabara gekommen ...
Akihabara ist seit Beginn des Scales Festivals unglaublich beschäftigt. Es gibt viele Landbewohner in der Stadt, die Unfälle verursachen, Gerüchte verbreiten und Kämpfe mit Paaren beginnen, und selbst Shiroe kann nicht mit ihnen umgehen. Ein einflussreicher Adliger namens Marves kommt aus Minami, um Laynessia zu sehen. Laynessia versucht ihr Bestes, um mit ihm umzugehen, aber er kommt ihr immer näher ...
Das Waage Festival
Marielle und Henrietta veranstalten eine Modenschau, während die Stadt von der Minami-Lockvogel-Operation abhängt. Akatsuki geht in ihren bunten Kleidern die Landebahn entlang, aber Shiroe ist nirgends zu sehen. In dieser Nacht wird Shiroe von einer schönen und bezaubernden "Königin der Dunkelheit" empfangen. Shiroe ist versucht, das Herz der Verschwörung zu erreichen ...
2. Season 2 (25 Episoden)
Sowie zahlreiche andere Spieler auch war Shiroe 6 Monate lang gefangen, in der Welt des Onlinegames "Elder Tales". In der einst so chaotischen Stadt Akiba ist durch die Formation der selbstverwaltenden Organisation "Round Table Meeting" wieder Ruhe eingekehrt. Shiroe hat nun das Vertrauen der Erdlinge erlangt, nachdem er gemeinsam mit ihnen einen Krieg gegen die Goblins in der Zantleaf Region gewonnen hat, was wiederum dazu führte, dass Prinzessin Rayneshia von Cowen nun in Akiba lebt. Der Winter hält bald Einzug und die Abenteurer denken darüber nach, was sie als nächstes tun sollten und was sie in dieser anderen Welt erreichen möchten. Werden sie in Akiba bleiben oder doch lieber in die Stadt im Westen ziehen? Werden sie in das Land des Nordens ziehen oder doch in ein weit entferntes Land? Die verschiedenen Vorstellungen der Abenteurer weichen langsam voneinander ab. Welche Abenteuer erwarten das Team von Shiroe?
Shiroe aus dem Norden
The city of Akihabara remains as lively as ever and holds a sports festival while the Round Table discuss their dire financial state since the high cost of maintaining the city has all but depleted their funds. Meanwhile Crusty, Issac, Karashin and Akaneya begin an offensive against the goblin camp at Seventh Fall. Shiroe later gathers the members of Log Horizon and the Crescent Moon Alliance and due to Minami spies having infiltrated Akihabara, he partly explains his intention of leaving the city. Ten days later, Shiroe, Naotsugu and Regan meet with Kinjou of the Kunie Clan to discuss the terms of a financial agreement. However as Kinjou declines to assist the Round Table, Shiroe confirms the non-existence of the moneylender class, prompting him to reveal his intention of going straight to the source of the world's gold sealed away deep in the Depths of Palm. However before leaving, Kinjou presents Shiroe with a challenge of clearing the massive raid blocking the gold source and prove their worth to the Kunie Clan. Realizing that he cannot risk requesting combat support from the Round Table due to the spies monitoring their movements, Shiroe decides to enlist other acquaintances for help. Some time in the future, Shiroe and Akatsuki meet in another plane after having both been killed during their respective missions.
Der Bandit und die Mithrilaugen
Shiroe, Naotsugu and Regan arrive in Susukino where Shiroe intends to recruit William Massachusetts and the Silver Sword guild for the raid. William wastes no time in offering aid to Shiroe but notes the lack of man-power in his guild since many of his guild members retired from large-scale raids due to a phenomenon which occurs after a player dies. Meanwhile Naotsugu and Regan search around Susukino for other recruits and stumble upon a rather self-centered player named Tetra. At the same time, Demikas barges into the Silver Sword guild seeking revenge against Shiroe but after William's threats and Tetra's ramblings, Demikas stands down and William completes the necessary twenty-four player raiding party with them both. That evening the combined party of Log Horizon, Silver Sword and Brigandia members set off for the raid, with Shiroe using the opportunity to learn more about their party members. The following day, Akatsuki continues her mission by Shiroe to guard Lenessia and has a chance encounter with a stranger in Akihabara. Meanwhile the raiding party finally arrives at the gates to the lowest level of the Depths of Palm and Demikas promises to use the opportunity to crush Shiroe's plans as part of his revenge.
Der Weg in den Abgrund
The raiding party proceeds through the gates to the lowest level of The Depths of Palm and find themselves in a raid zone called "The Abyssal Shaft". Dividing themselves into four teams of six, the party battles their way through hordes of monsters to the first raid boss called Vendémiarie of the First Prison and find themselves vastly overpowered by its one-hit kills and debuffs, forcing them to retreat multiple times until finally defeating it through trial and error. After spending three weeks in the raid dungeon, and defeating two bosses, the party hits a major hurdle when they fail to encounter the other bosses in addition to running short on supplies. During a brief period of rest, William recalls the events which led him and his guild to settle in Susukino, and eventually laments dragging his guild members on large raids. At the same time, Demikas' anger towards Shiroe further increases. As Shiroe wastes little time in planning the party's next move, Naotsugu explains to Tetra of the lengths Shiroe would be willing to go to protect his home in Akihabara. Back in Akihabara, as Christmas draws nearer, the Log Horizon members discuss the new "Teachings" skill which appeared after "The Apocalypse". Meanwhile a malevolent figure threateningly watches over the city of Akihabara.
Der zersplitternde Flügel
Marielle, Hienretta, Serara, Liese and Mikakage join Akatsuki in the detail to protect Lenessia. Afterwards, Akatsuki ponders on her lack of strength while Henrietta and Liese notice her discomfort. The next day, Akatsuki observes other guilds during their training sessions in order to learn the secrets behind the "Teachings" skill in an attempt to strengthen herself. The other Log Horizon members also notice her discomfort but she keeps to herself and instead sinks into self pity due to her inadequacies. Meanwhile, Lenessia explains to Elissa about the persona she had been using to feign composure with the other girls. Elsewhere, Nyanta meets with Roderic about a special request from Shiroe. The next day, Akatsuki observes a sparring session by the West Wind Brigade before being noticed by Soujirou. That evening, while the girls take Lenessia out, the latter realizes that while she may not be able to understand who the Adventurers are, she does regard them as being special. Afterwards, Akatsuki leaves the group to ponder on her uselessness to Shiroe. Meanwhile, a malevolent figure called Enheart Nelreth approaches Kyouko of the West Wind Brigade in a back alley and murders her.
Enheart Nelreth continues to wreck havoc in Akihabara and throws the city into a state of disquiet. This prompts the remaining Round Table members to impose an evacuation of the lower-leveled players to Zantleaf for their protection. Akatsuki later scours the city for Enheart while Soujirou also mobilizes the West Wind Brigade in the search. Meanwhile Kinjou meets with Lenessia and takes responsibility for the serial killings done by a rogue clan member, after he had stolen the Royal Guard armor with capabilities exceeding an Adventurer. Akatsuki eavesdrops on the conversation and decides to take action after being inspired by Lenessia's strength. The West Wind Brigade later encounters Nelreth and Soujirou rushes to the scene to protect his guild members. Soujirou puts up a fierce duel against Enheart along with Akatsuki when she makes a sudden appearance. After allowing his guild members to flee, Soujirou activates his Teachings skill and tries to pass on some knowledge of it to Akatsuki mid-battle, before Enheart takes him down. At the same time, the raiding party encounters a particularly dangerous boss and it kills Shiroe and Naotsugu. Finally, Akatsuki falls in battle against Enheart and tearfully misses Shiroe before her body vanishes.
Verirrt im Morgengrauen
While waiting for Akatsuki to revive with Riese on Christmas Day, Lenessia realizes that she had not truly made an effort to understand the Adventurers around her and resolves to do so. Meanwhile Akatsuki has a vision of the real world and realizes that she had simply been moving forward with her life without any particular goal in mind. Afterwards she awakens in a tranquil beach landscape and encounters Shiroe while wandering around. The two share the circumstances which lead to their deaths and both trade fragments of their memories for the chance to revive. Afterwards Akatsuki revives at the Cathedral and begs Nazuna and Riese to share their Teachings with her to stop the murderer. Meanwhile, Roderic shares new information with his guild about playing as a different gender, the geological expansion of Yamato and the effects that flavor texts have in Elder Tale, concluding that the Apocalypse isn't over. Back at the Watermaple house, Riese and the other girls decide to aid Akatsuki after helping her realize that going it alone was the wrong call. Elsewhere, while Crusty and Sansa track the goblins at Zantleaf, Sansa's weapon, "Disaster" suddenly begins acting strangely and traps her in a type of barrier. However Crusty throws her out of the way only to find himself vaporized in her place.
Die Wasserahorn-Mädchen
Riese learns of Crusty's disappearance at the hands of Misa's weapon and with him currently missing in action, Henrietta advises her to keep the information under wraps for the time being. Afterwards, Mikakage calls them to explain the worldly effects of flavor texts and Riese postulates the murderer's abilities from his Byakumaru sword's text. The next day, Nazuna puts together a group of players to begin training as part of Riese's plan to defeat the murderer, and has them share their Teachings with Akatsuki. Meanwhile, Henrietta and Riese meet with the Round Table to present all the information they have on the murderer and Riese proposes a plan involving a full raid inside Akihabara to counteract the threat on New Year's Eve. However in order for the plan to work, Riese and the others ask Lenessia to deactivate the city's magic circle, which would not only disable Nelreth's Royal Guard armor, but also disable the city's defenses—leaving her torn. With New Year's Eve drawing near, Akatsuki continues training but gets no closer to understanding the Teachings. At the same time, Lenessia decides to aid the girls in the upcoming raid. New Year's Eve finally arrives and when the full raid begins that evening, Marielle and Akatsuki encounter a deranged Nelreth before Akatsuki engages.
Akiba Raid
The Akihabara Raid begins and Akatsuki uses her new equipment provided by everyone in battle with Nelreth before fleeing with Marielle to another section of the city. Following Riese's plan, they lead Nelreth through the city where he encounters groups of two-member raiding teams strategically placed to nullify his special abilities. Meanwhile, Lenessia and Kinjou reach an agreement to disable the city's magic circle. At the same time, Akatsuki pushes herself to her limits which causes her to activate her very own Teaching skill: Shadow Lurk. This gives her a slight edge until Nelreth decommissions her katana. However Tatara Amenoma gives her a new specially reforged katana with the power to challenge Nelreth's Byakumaru. Akatsuki then manages to lure Nelreth to Riese's position, where Lenessia and Kinjou simultaneously disable the city's magic circle and leaves him vulnerable to Riese's ice attack which stops him from teleporting. Finally with the support of her comrades, Akatsuki destroys the Byakumaru, defeating Nelreth. In the aftermath, the Akihabara raiding party celebrates their victory and Shiroe calls Akatsuki to congratulate her while his raiding party prepares to once again face the boss which claimed their lives on Christmas Eve.
Schlachtfeld im Wandel
On Christmas Eve, the raiding party engages the boss called Luseat of the Seventh Garden in the Depths of Palm. During the battle, Luseat radically changes its attack patterns and unleashes devastating field attacks on the party. Shiroe quickly provides the the most optimal course of action and the party manages to whittle down Luseat's health by fifty percent. However they fail to notice the gates open behind them and are left in a state of shock when two more bosses—Taltaulgar of the Fourth Garden and Ibrahabra of the Third Garden—enter Luseat's zone and begin laying waste to the battlefield. Facing insurmountable odds, the raiding party loses their resolve and are wiped out. Afterwards Shiroe has a vision of his younger self, prompting reflection on his neglect to form social bonds in the real world. He later brings this inadequacy to his new reality which manifested in his inability to fully trust his comrades. This resulted in him withholding his true goals from the people around him. Accepting his flaws, he awakens in Elder Tale's fourteenth server called Mare Tranquillitatis on the Moon. He eventually encounters Akatsuki wandering around and the two share the circumstances which lead to their deaths. Finally, they trade fragments of their memories for the chance to revive once more.
The raiding party revives after their overwhelming defeat on Christmas Eve and after listening to the disheartened words of his comrades, William struggles to raise their morale. This causes him to shed light on his social ineptitude in the real world and reveals the role Elder Tale had in helping him connect and empathize with like-minded people. Desperately appealing to his comrades, William mentions how truly happy they were after awakening in the very reality they had dedicated their lives too and uses this as affirmation for not quitting the raid as a fellow gamer. However when Demikas objects to his logic, William exposes his deep regret at turning his back on the Round Table but idolized Shiroe for his perseverance in accomplishing the seemingly impossible raid which resulted in the restoration of Akihabara itself. Finally, William manages to inspire everyone when he explains that he accepted Shiroe's raiding request because at the heart of being a gamer, it was truly fun. William's heartfelt words also resonate with Shiroe so much that he wonders if he can also be the kind of guild master that inspires his guild members, and resolves to tell everyone his true purpose. Finally after a week of preparation, the raiding party moves to face the trio of bosses once more.
The raiding party charges into the boss zone and begins their assault on Luseat. With their teamwork bolstered by accepting who they are, the party manages to break through Luseat's initial mode. This temporarily immobilizes the boss and while a small group cleans up its Shadow Vanguard, the rest rush through the gates towards the other boss zones. Per Shiroe's new strategy, the party divides into groups to keep the bosses far enough away from each other to prevent their field attacks from overlapping. This allows them to better focus their attacks on Ibrahabra and Taltaulgar and gain a significant advantage. However when the Vanguard make a sudden appearance on the battlefield, Demiquas recklessly draws all the Vanguard towards himself, grabs Shiroe and lures them away from the main party further down the dungeon. After proceeding for a while, Demiquas stops and demands Shiroe to properly acknowledge him. With each finding new-found respect for the other, Shiroe acknowledges Demiquas before the latter throws him towards the Abyssal Shaft's goal and escapes with the Vanguard on his heels. Finally Shiroe proceeds through the doorway to the source of the world's gold and comes face to face with Kinjou and the raid's final boss—Uru of the Ninth Garden.
Das Gold der Kunie
A terrified Kinjou faces Shiroe while the raiding party vanquishes Ibrahabra and turns their full attention towards Taltaulgar. Meanwhile, Kinjou explains the closely guarded secret of how the system distributes gold to monsters. Shiroe then reveals his true goal of requiring funds to purchase all the zones in Yamato, then reassigning their credentials over to the server itself in an attempt to balance the property market of the world, and in a measure of good faith—forfeits all of the Round Table's land assets. Afterwards, the raiding party celebrates their accomplishment after becoming the first to clear the Abyssal Shaft and Shiroe informs Akatsuki of his mission's success. In the aftermath, the party returns to Susukino and Shiroe brings Silver Sword up to speed on all of his experiences thus far and at the same time, feels deep regret for his mistreat of Demiquas. Afterwards, with Silver Sword opting to remain and protect Susukino, Shiroe and his friends make their way back to Akihabara. Elsewhere, the members of Plant Hwyaden discuss the intelligence obtained from their surveillance of Akihabara and of Shiroe's return to the city. Finally, Shiroe, Naotsugu and newly accepted Log Horizon member, Tetra are warmly welcomed home by their friends.
Die süße Falle
Valentine's Day arrives and the city of Akihabara once again gears up to mark the festivities. Meanwhile, Shiroe has a surprising reaction when Tetra teases him about his relationship with the former leader of the Debauchery Tea Party—Kanami. Afterwards Minori eavesdrops on Tetra as she gives Akatsuki useful information about the coconia fruit and its curious effect on a loved one if presented on Valentine's Day. Elsewhere, Shiroe and Issac discuss the current state of Akihabara and the latter reports its peaceful nature, with the combat guilds taking shifts to maintain order despite the absence of the Royal Guard and the city's magic circle. At the same time, Roderic and Ichimonjinosuke present Misa with a new prosthetic arm to replace the one she lost at Seventh Fall and they hypothesize that it may be in the same place where Krusty was taken too. As the day's events continue, Akatsuki and Minori bake a coconia cake for Shiroe. However when he eats the cake and comes under the fruit's influence, the girls find themselves unable to ask him who he prefers. Elsewhere, the true master of Plant Hwyaden—Intix, reinforces her control over Nureha with psychological abuse and reminds her of their contract to gain control of the Yamato server.
Geh nach Osten Kanami
Plant Hwyaden overseers the launch of their Iron-Steel Train and former Debauchery Tea Party members—KR and Kazuhiko—discuss the travels of their former leader, Kanami. KR explains that he used a possession spell on a horse to explore the world in the hopes of gathering information after the Apocalypse, and stumbled upon Kanami and her party on the Chinese server. As they made their way eastwards to Japan, Kanami decides to intercept a horde of monsters heading towards a village much to the reluctance of the assassin Leonardo. However he eventually decides to aid the others and inspires KR to swap places with his horse and offer support. As Kanami and her other party members—Erius Hackblade and Copellia—engage the monsters, Leonardo and KR show up and separate the two sentient Genius bosses from their dragon. While Leonardo uses his speed to overwhelm the Lasphere boss, the Paps boss manages to stun Erius with the truth of his nature, however Kanami steps in and falsifies its claim. Back in the present, KR explains that he doesn't know the outcome of the battle since he died facing the dragon and revived in Minami. Finally, Plant Hwyaden launches their train to an unknown destination.
Tohya, Rundelhaus Code, Serara and Nyanta return to the Log Horizon guild hall one night after watching a performance by Isuzu at a local restaurant and they give her high praise despite her modesty. Meanwhile, Shiroe and Maryelle discuss sending the junior members on their first independent journey to obtain materials for a special magic bag essential to an adventurer. Later that night, Tohya and Isuzu discuss the importance of having a talent or sport for oneself. Isuzu also explains that when she discovered a lute instrument in the Crescent Moon Alliance, it renewed her passion for music and helped her cope with their new reality after being rescued from Hamelin. The next day, the junior party excitedly prepare for their quest while their senior guild members naturally offer their advice and worry. After stocking up on weapons and item essentials, the entire Log Horizon guild have supper that night and the junior members decide to perform in the villages they pass along the way during their journey. Shiroe also suggests that they not make contact with the senior members for help as it would be a good opportunity for them to become independent. After covering all their bases and bidding their friends farewell, the junior party sets off on their journey the next day.
Vampir am helllichten Tag
While continuing their journey, the junior party takes the East Sea Road per Shiroe's suggestion as the fastest way to get to the Redstone Mountains. As they approach the next town, the party decides to further push their horse summonings until their time limit runs out, and are eventually left stranded on the roadside, forcing them to make camp. Meanwhile, Rieze describes her struggle to maintain D.D.D. in Krusty's absence and Log Horizon and the Crescent Moon Alliance pledge their aid should she require it. The following day, the junior party arrives at the town of Sazan and Rundelhaus secures them a free performance at a local inn in exchange for an overnight stay. The next day, Shiroe and Issac discuss helping the People's knights get stronger and also of D.D.D.'s destabilization. At the same time, Honesty gets an influx of new parasitic members which causes Eins to contemplate drastic measures to ensure his guild's place in the Round Table. Meanwhile the junior party intercept some People of the Land being attacked by monsters and step in to help. While initially successful, they are ambushed by a swarm of powerful spirit monsters and just as they are about to be attacked, a vampiric player calling herself Roe 2 saves them in one fell swoop, before collapsing from overexposure to sunlight.
Der Odysseia-Ritterorden
Nureha slips out of the Plant Hwyaden train and goes for a stroll as her Dariella persona. Meanwhile, the junior party escort the People of the Land to the next town and learn of a group called the Odyssey Knights that protect the People in the Boxurt Mountains from frequent monster attacks. In the next town, the party also learns that Roe 2 had set out on a journey to change her vampire sub-class and she offers to assist them with her own summonings. Elsewhere, Maryelle struggles to come up with a theme for the Spring event while Shiroe has Nyanta and Akatsuki conduct some surveillance. Meanwhile, the Round Table begins discussing the emerging economic disparity between the citizens. Eins tries to assign blame and propose controversial countermeasures which the Table disagrees with and Shiroe reminds them of the danger to the city should they make decisions without citizen input. At the same time, the junior party makes their way through the Boxurt Mountains and end up assisting some stranded People of the Land when they encounter Dariella. Afterwards they watch as the ominous Odyssey Knights pass through the mountains with their mobile cathedral which Dariella explains helps adventurers revive anywhere, at the cost of losing a piece of themselves in the process.
Nach dem Konzert
In the wake of Nureha's disappearance from the train, Loreil begins a frantic search for her. Meanwhile, Izuzu and the others explain to Roe 2 and Dariella of their quest goal. As their journey continues, the party makes a stop at the Town of Safil and hold a successful concert. After the concert, Isuzu has an exchange with Rundelhaus and talks about her musician father and they also shed some light on the translation errors that the system throws up between the different languages of the People of the Land and the adventurers. Rundelhaus also explains that the People only have forty-two songs given to them by God and were truly happy to hear Isuzu's music since they are unable to create their own. He goes on to elaborate upon the endless possibilities the adventurers create for them in Akihabara and causes Isuzu to break down from not heeding the advice of her lyrics. The next day, Tohya calls Dariella out on her her odd personality and Shiroe notes the loss of contact from Nyanta. At the same time, Minori and Serara suspect the Odyssey Knight's mobile cathedral to be interfering with the telepathic network. Before they can confirm their suspicion though, they notice an incredible swarm of wyvern monsters making their way towards the town.
Rote Nacht
With the threat of the wyverns bearing down on Safil, Nyanta decides to come out of the shadows and take action. Minori, Tohya and Serara decide to take the battle away from the town, however before they have a chance to do anything, the Odyssey Knights quickly engage the monsters on the outskirts of the town. The trio then look on in horror as the battle-crazed knights manically charge at the wyverns in a state of disarray with their sole aim to be killed in battle after which they are revived by their mobile cathedral and repeat the process all over again. Meanwhile, Plant Hywaden activates their nightshade device and sends nightshade monsters into the chaos enveloping Safil. This prompts the Odyssey field commander to move the battle into the town and when Tohya questions his actions, he explains their theory that dying enough times may allow the adventurers to escape to the real world and chastises him for not doing the same. Listening to their exchange, Minori comes to the realization that like Tohya, she needs to keep pushing forward asks Roe 2 to aid them for however long that may be, and they enter the fray. Meanwhile, Nyanta begins a lone assault on the Plant Hwyaden train much to Londark's surprise.
Birthday Song
Nyanta immediately clashes with Londark and learns that Plant Hywaden intends to trigger the war which Shiroe had once proposed as a possibility. Nyanta tries his best to reason with Londark and resonates with his understandable hatred towards having no control in his new reality. However Mizufa Trudy grotesquely silences him and proceeds to clash with an enraged Nyanta. After learning little more from Mizufa other than her warped worldview, the fight eventually forces Nyanta to go for a death blow until Kazuhiko steps in. Meanwhile, after Tohya saw through her facade, Nureha decides to end the attack on Safil in some whimsical fantasy that she might receive Shiroe's approval. Back on the train, Nyanta deduces that Kazuhiko may have been somehow corrupted by Plant Hwayden despite being a double agent for the Round Table. Nyanta then presses his former Tea Party comrade for answers and Kazuhiko responds by throwing him off the train. As the battle of Safil wages on, the junior party do what they can to help and Isuzu has some self-reflection on her own experiences and how her music can help the world. Eventually, Isuzu and the others race back to Tohya, and when the Odyssey Knights' worldview brings Isuzu to tears, she performs a song to highlight her hope for the world.
Der Flügelschlag der Lerchen
Nyanta informs Shiroe of his recent encounter with Kazuhiko and of the wyvern attack on Safil which leaves the town in ruins. Dariella and Roe 2 then part ways with the junior party and the latter entrusts Minori with a letter for Shiroe. Afterwards, Tohya and the others decide to help the townsfolk with their repairs however Rundelhaus manages to convince them that they should leave the town. Back in Akihabara, Naotsugu begins to notice the return of the apathy phenomenon which had engulfed the adventurers at the start of the Apocalypse. Shiroe also begins pondering the factors which may drive the world into a war. Meanwhile, the Brigade of the West Wind encounter a strange Lander with a Genius title, seducing girls around the city. Back in Safil, Isuzu overhears some Landers voice their disappointment in their expectation of the Odyssey Knights, but feels a sense of fulfillment that she was able to briefly give them a new song. While leaving the town however, the junior party notice some Landers singing Isuzu's song which instils a new-found sense of hope in the world. Afterwards, Nyanta shows up and takes the party back to Akihabara and they celebrate the end of their quest with their seniors. Finally, Shiroe opens the letter from Roe 2.
Shiroe sifts through the documents sent by Roe 2 and learns new information about the world. Afterwards he pays a visit to the Brigade of the West Wind and asks of their encounter with the Genius monster. The Round Table gather some time later and discuss additional encounters with three more Genius monsters around the city. Afterwards, Karashin brings Isaac up to speed with the Round Table's latest meeting. At the same time, Nyanta and Shiroe take note of the adventurers who have lost the resolve to continue. However thanks to Serara, Nyanta realizes that the younger adventurers can still be optimistic about their futures. The following night, Shiroe lays out his hypothesis about their current reality to the senior Log Horizon members, and reveals the information sent to him by Roe 2. Roe 2 explains that she is an artificial being created by an alien race that was sent to search other universes for a resource called "empathions". She then warns them of the Genius monsters who will obtain empathions at any cost. Finally, Shiroe decides to trust her words when she explains that her companions on the Moon may be able to assist the adventurers in returning to their own reality.
Isaac und Iserus
Roderic informs Shiroe that a device to communicate with the Moon would cost an astronomical amount of funds to construct but he isn't sure whether it would actually work or not. Elsewhere Tohya and his party discuss whether or not they want to return to their own reality. Back in Maihama, Lord Sergiatte summons Isaac and explains that he intends to announce Iselus as the next heir to the Cowen throne and asks Isaac to continue to watching over him. Karashin later notes on the growing tensions between Westelande and Eastal. The next day, Maihama hosts a banquet for Prince Iselus and Sergiatte expresses his regret for making him bear the enormous responsibility of ruler. Though, with Isaac's support, Sergiatte presents Iselus as the heir to the throne of Maihama. A group of Westelande Landers then crash the event and attempt to assassinate Prince Iselus, however Isaac protects him with support from Karashin and Reserick. Regan later visits Shiroe to relay his latest findings and also notes that he detected a faint signal from the Shibuya broadcast building while investigating the transport gates. Suddenly, they receive word of people mysteriously collapsing all over Maihama and Akihabara while a mysterious black cloud showers the city of Akihabara with strange spores.
Der Schlaf Der Mondgöttin
At moonrise, the player cities of Akihabara, Susukino and Minami are all simultaneously attacked by swarms of Eternal Moth monsters, whose scales rain down and knock people into a state of sleep by draining their magic points. The Brigade of the West Wind soon discover the moths' nest in a new raid zone called "Calling Fortress" in the Shibuya broadcast building, and the Round Table postulate that the monsters had been drawn to the broadcasting antenna from the Moon. Filled with uncertainty, Shiroe decides to put together a raiding party and makes the difficult choice of destroying the antenna. The raiding party then fights their way through Shibuya and manage to enter the raid zone in the broadcast building. However Shiroe's uncertainty hinders his strategic insight and allows the sheer volume of monsters to overwhelm the party from all angles, forcing them to make a hasty retreat. Shiroe then apologizes to the party for his uncharacteristic lack of focus, but Minori and the others dispel his uncertainty about returning home when they collectively decide to stay and help the world of Elder Tale. Finally, when Ichimonjinosuke discovers the raid boss at the top of the building, Shiroe's restored resolve helps him formulate a new plan of attack.
Die Pioniere
The Shibuya raiding party begins another assault on the Calling Fortress and manage to break through to the roof where they encounter the raid boss, Taliktan, the Genius of Summoning. After failing to establish dialogue with the monster, it summons swarms of moths which engulf Shibuya and the other player cities. This puts a severe strain on the antenna and Shiroe has the party take the battle into the concert hall below. Despite inflicting a great amount of damage to Taliktan, they are still pummeled by its powerful field attacks. Shiroe raises the stakes with his Full-Control Encounter however, and gives the party a significant advantage in pushing Taliktan to the edge and ultimately, their victory. In the aftermath, Regan sets up the radio equipment and much everyone's surprise, Shiroe makes contact with Kanami in the Chinese server. She then tasks him with seeking a way to allow transit between the real and Elder Tale worlds and relieves the Shibuya party about Krusty's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Nureha and Plant Hwyaden decide to establish relations with Eastal and the Round Table to combat the common Genius threat. Finally, Log Horizon make plans to celebrate their victory and with the dawn of a new day, Shiroe and Akatsuki praise each other.
3. Staffel 3 (12 Episoden)
Rayneshias Heirat
Shiroe und die anderen Mitglieder der Tafelrunde suchen noch immer einen Weg, um in ihre Realität zurückkehren zu können. Jedoch wird das Bündnis der Tafelrunde von einer neuen Gefahr bedroht. Diese Gefahr kommt aus den eigenen Reihen.
Der Fürst von Akiba
Die Tafelrunde erfährt, dass Eins von Tori, dem Oberhaupt der Saigu-Familie, zum Fürsten von Akiba ernannt wurde. Während sich die Weltbewohner darüber freuen, malen sich die Abenteurer ein schreckliches Szenario aus.
Die rissige Tafelrunde
Shiroe erhält von Honesty einen Brief, indem Eins ihn bittet, sich mit ihm beim alten Akiba-Bahnhof zu treffen. Zu seiner Überraschung kommt Eins nicht allein. Welche Ziele verfolgt Eins mit seiner Ernennung zum Fürsten von Akiba?
Die allgemeinen Wahlen von Akiba
Eins und Shiroe haben sich darauf geeinigt, Wahlen durchzuführen, um zu entscheiden, wer die führende Macht in Akiba wird. Die Akiba-Regierung oder die Tafelrunde?
Segen, so weit das Auge reicht
Der Wahltag steht bevor und sowohl Eins als auch Prinzessin Rayneshia halten ihre Wahlreden. Zur Überraschung aller trumpft Shiroe mit einem weiteren Ass im Ärmel auf.
Der Paradies-Eremit
Takayama bekommt eine Nachricht von Krusty, der ihr von seinen bisherigen Ereignissen berichtet. Sie bereitet ein Puppenspiel vor, um Shiroe und den anderen Krustys Geschichte mitzuteilen.
Das ist kein Fluch
Krusty und Kanamis Party müssen sich in der Sirius-Grotte gegen ihre Feinde behaupten. Wird es Krusty gelingen, den Bad Status zu überwinden und seine Erinnerungen zurückzuerlangen?
Die ältesten Ahnen
Auf ihrem Rückweg durch den Wald entdecken Toya und seine Party zwei Mädchen, die auf dem Boden liegen. Die Mädchen entpuppen sich als Mitglieder der alten Ahnen. Was verschlägt sie nach Akiba?
Minori sehnt sich nach einem Date mit Shiroe. Dabei möchte sie mehr darüber erfahren, worauf es bei einem Raid ankommt.
Das Labyrinth von Akiba
Die Abenteurer aus Akiba finden sich in einer merkwürdigen Stadt wieder. Jedoch handelt es sich dabei nicht um das Akiba, das sie kennen. Plötzlich werden sie von Monstern und einem Genie angegriffen.
Das Desillusionsgenie
Auf Anweisung von Shiroe begeben sich Minori und ihre Party in das Gildenversammlungsgebäude. Dort schließen sie sich mit den übrigen Mitgliedern der Sichelmondallianz zusammen. Sie haben vor, den Raid anzugehen.
Das Lied der Nachtigall
Der Raid von Minoris Team geht weiter. So leicht gibt das Desillusionsgenie nicht auf. Doch plötzlich bemerkt Minori, worin die Schwachstelle des Feindes besteht.

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