Fairy Gone

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Fantasy, Action, Science-Fiction • Japan • 2019


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Wer streamt "Fairy Gone"

Der Anime spielt in einer Welt, in welcher Feen Tiere besetzen und in diesen wohnen, was ihnen besondere Kräfte verleiht. Durch chirurgisches Entfernen und transplantieren der Organe von einem besessenen Tier in einen Menschen, können diese die Fee teilweise beschwören und sie als Waffe verwenden. Letztlich wurden solche Individuen im Krieg eingesetzt, wo sie als „Feensoldaten“ bezeichnet wurden. Nach einem langen Krieg verloren jene Soldaten ihre Aufgabe und mussten sich wieder in die Gesellschaft integrieren. Letztlich beschritt jeder seinen eigenen Pfad: Vom Regierungsangestellten bis hin zum Mafioso oder sogar Terroristen.

Wo läuft "Fairy Gone"?

"Fairy Gone" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Tomoaki Maeno, Kana Ichinose, Ayaka Fukuhara, Yoshimasa Hosoya


1. Staffel 1 (24 Episoden)
Das in Asche gehüllte Mädchen
Marlya has been searching for Veronica ever since the great war, but Veronica seems to be conducting a search of her own. When the two of them, and Free, all run headlong into each other, it quickly escalates into a fairy-fueled fight.
Das Halsband des Wolfes und die Federn des Schwans
Free and Marlya go on a mission to catch some mafia gangsters who are selling artificial fairies, and it's there that Free encounters his old war buddy Wolfran. But Wolf's working for the mafia now, so this time they won't be fighting on the same side.
Der Habgierfuchs und die Lügenkrähe
Free and Marlya are dispatched to collect the Black Fairy Tome from a fairy scholar in Timoon, but they're not the only guests who show up. Every party has its own agenda, and the tome suddenly becomes the hot topic of the evening.
Die ungeduldige Haushälterin und der egozentrische Künstler
Free and Marlya manage to secure what is supposedly the Black Fairy Tome, but Sweetie isn't about to give up easily. It's not long before a pair of mafia agents are called in to clean up her mess, which leads to a battle beneath an old church.
Der Schwarzmond und die Ballade des vermissten Kindes
Veronica shows up to help Marlya deal with Jonathan, while Free continues to battle Patty. Later on, Marlya gets to know some of the other Dorothea members better when they throw her a belated welcome party.
Dorothea tightens security throughout Rondacia as the anniversary of the war's end approaches. Between another supposed piece of the Black Fairy Tome surfacing, and one of the new-model artificial fairies malfunctioning, there's plenty of work to do.
Der dickköpfige Schmied und das exzentrische Kanninchen
More new artificial fairies malfunction, and suspicion grows that someone with military connections is sabotaging them. Sweetie brokers a deal with Dorothea in an effort to acquire the piece of the Black Fairy Tome that was recently sold at auction.
Flötentöne hinter den Kulissen
Sweetie and Dorothea both make their move against Gilbert Warlock, as the mystery surrounding the malfunctioning artificial fairies slowly unravels. Now it's up to Chase to figure out the culprit's identity, and what exactly they're trying to accomplish.
Der rollende Stein und die sieben Ritter
As a reward for saving the prime minister's life, the Duke of Hybranz asks for one of the seven Fairy Weapons. As Dorothea transports this powerful weapon to his duchy, the big question on everyone's mind is what he intends to do with it.
Das Kind des Unheils
When a group from Dorothea goes to inspect the Duchy of Kal-o, Marlya comes face to face with Ray Dawn. She also questions her motivations when she goes to visit an old friend. Meanwhile, Liscar's violent conspiracy continues with its progress.
Die ungeladene Musikantentruppe
The Duchy of Hybranz announces its intention to break away from Unified Zesskia. As the Unified Forces and most of Dorothea set out to put down the rebellion, it turns out that Rondacia might actually be the true target for Diese, Arcame, and Liscar.
Die machtlosen Soladaten
Free and Marlya lead their Dorothea contingent in an attempt to drive Liscar's forces out of the palace, as Diese's intrigue enters its end game. But Wolfran just might have a hidden agenda of his own. Could this be the end of Unified Zesskia?
Des Regenklangs Verbrechen und des weißen Schnees Strafe
As Rondacia recovers from the foiled attack, the tragedy of Suna is revealed in flashback. Marlya, Veronica, and Ray are all from that village, and their lives are interconnected not only with one another, but with the fairies that once lived there.
Die Burg, deren Zahnräder stillstehen
Dorothea members are escorting Ray Dawn back to Kal-o when a bridge is sabotaged. Forced to stay the night in an old abandoned castle, they come under attack both by some artificial fairies and by Veronica, in her attempt to assassinate Ray.
Unkrautjäten in den Seitengassen
Dorothea sets out to round up and interrogate as many Arcame members as they can find in Rondacia, and clues point to Christoph Rahn's involvement in Diese's rebellion. Meanwhile, both Marlya and Free are having trouble dealing with personal issues.
Der sich kaputtlachende Schwarzmilan
A chapter of the Black Fairy Tome turns up at the port island city of Baleun, and multiple parties converge there in an attempt to claim it. Newly formed alliances prove to be fluid and unpredictable, as various secrets begin to come to light.
Die Waage über dem Sand
Die tanzende Maus und das gebrochene Horn
Suspicions about the Ministry of Fairies grow as Dorothea launches a raid on Eajey's hideout. Gui Carlin might be on its last legs, but there are other, potentially more dangerous groups that want the Black Fairy Tome for their own ends.
Die traurige Stimme und das schwarze Buch
It comes to light that the Marco Bellwood might have nefarious purposes for acquiring the last pieces of the Black Fairy Tome, as Marlya gradually learns more about how different her situation is from that of other Fairy Soldiers.
Der Wald des Ursprungs
Bellwood and most of the Eins Order go into hiding, and a massive manhunt is launched to track them down. Marlya and Free locate someone from Marlya's past, but the news he tells them only makes the whole situation that much more alarming.
Der eingerostete Soldat und das verschlossene Tor
With the prime minister dead, Ray Dawn comes to Rondacia. Veronica is presumably close behind, meaning all three of the fairy-possessed are now in one place. Marlya desperately tries to locate Veronica before the order can complete its horrific plan.
Die Parade des Untergangs
The Eins Order launches an attack just prior to Golbarn's funeral. This results in most everyone in Dorothea being split up, and with Ray Dawn badly injured. Once Marlya is left by herself to guard Ray, Veronica chooses that time to exact her revenge.
Das Erscheinungsbild aus dem ewigen Traum
Various battles are fought throughout Rondacia, as the revived Divine Beast slowly makes its way into the city, laying waste to everything in its path. It slowly dawns on Marlya that she might be the one who can put a stop to the lumbering catastrophe.
Entfesselter Himmel, verbundene Hände
2. Staffel 2 (12 Episoden)
Folge 1
Folge 2
Folge 3
Folge 4
Folge 5
Folge 6
Folge 7
Folge 8
Folge 9
Folge 10
Folge 11
Folge 12

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